GameVsJam/3d Prototyp/Assets/Packages/Google.LongRunning.3.2.0/lib/netstandard2.0/Google.LongRunning.xml

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<member name="T:Google.Cloud.ExtendedOperationsReflection">
<summary>Holder for reflection information generated from google/cloud/extended_operations.proto</summary>
<member name="P:Google.Cloud.ExtendedOperationsReflection.Descriptor">
<summary>File descriptor for google/cloud/extended_operations.proto</summary>
<member name="T:Google.Cloud.ExtendedOperationsExtensions">
<summary>Holder for extension identifiers generated from the top level of google/cloud/extended_operations.proto</summary>
<member name="F:Google.Cloud.ExtendedOperationsExtensions.OperationField">
A field annotation that maps fields in an API-specific Operation object to
their standard counterparts in google.longrunning.Operation. See
OperationResponseMapping enum definition.
<member name="F:Google.Cloud.ExtendedOperationsExtensions.OperationRequestField">
A field annotation that maps fields in the initial request message
(the one which started the LRO) to their counterparts in the polling
request message. For non-standard LRO, the polling response may be missing
some of the information needed to make a subsequent polling request. The
missing information (for example, project or region ID) is contained in the
fields of the initial request message that this annotation must be applied
to. The string value of the annotation corresponds to the name of the
counterpart field in the polling request message that the annotated field's
value will be copied to.
<member name="F:Google.Cloud.ExtendedOperationsExtensions.OperationResponseField">
A field annotation that maps fields in the polling request message to their
counterparts in the initial and/or polling response message. The initial
and the polling methods return an API-specific Operation object. Some of
the fields from that response object must be reused in the subsequent
request (like operation name/ID) to fully identify the polled operation.
This annotation must be applied to the fields in the polling request
message, the string value of the annotation must correspond to the name of
the counterpart field in the Operation response object whose value will be
copied to the annotated field.
<member name="F:Google.Cloud.ExtendedOperationsExtensions.OperationService">
A method annotation that maps an LRO method (the one which starts an LRO)
to the service, which will be used to poll for the operation status. The
annotation must be applied to the method which starts an LRO, the string
value of the annotation must correspond to the name of the service used to
poll for the operation status.
<member name="F:Google.Cloud.ExtendedOperationsExtensions.OperationPollingMethod">
A method annotation that marks methods that can be used for polling
operation status (e.g. the MyPollingService.Get(MyPollingRequest) method).
<member name="T:Google.Cloud.OperationResponseMapping">
An enum to be used to mark the essential (for polling) fields in an
API-specific Operation object. A custom Operation object may contain many
different fields, but only few of them are essential to conduct a successful
polling process.
<member name="F:Google.Cloud.OperationResponseMapping.Undefined">
Do not use.
<member name="F:Google.Cloud.OperationResponseMapping.Name">
A field in an API-specific (custom) Operation object which carries the same
meaning as
<member name="F:Google.Cloud.OperationResponseMapping.Status">
A field in an API-specific (custom) Operation object which carries the same
meaning as google.longrunning.Operation.done. If the annotated field is of
an enum type, `annotated_field_name == EnumType.DONE` semantics should be
equivalent to `Operation.done == true`. If the annotated field is of type
boolean, then it should follow the same semantics as Operation.done.
Otherwise, a non-empty value should be treated as `Operation.done == true`.
<member name="F:Google.Cloud.OperationResponseMapping.ErrorCode">
A field in an API-specific (custom) Operation object which carries the same
meaning as google.longrunning.Operation.error.code.
<member name="F:Google.Cloud.OperationResponseMapping.ErrorMessage">
A field in an API-specific (custom) Operation object which carries the same
meaning as google.longrunning.Operation.error.message.
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2">
A long-running operation with an associated client, and which knows the expected response type.
For simplicity, no methods on this type modify the proto message. Instead, to get up-to-date
information you can use Refresh to obtain a new instance.
If the operation was created with a different major version of the service API than expected,
the metadata and response values may not be of the expected type. There are three approaches to handling this:
<list type="bullet">
<description>To fail with an exception if an unexpected type of value is present, use the <see cref="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.Result"/>
and <see cref="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.Metadata"/> properties.</description>
<description>To receive a null reference if an unexpected type of value is present, use the <see cref="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.GetResultOrNull"/>
and <see cref="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.GetMetadataOrNull"/> methods. You can then check the returned value and ignore nulls.</description>
<description>To handle multiple types, use the <see cref="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.RpcMessage"/> property and its <see cref="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation.Response"/> and <see cref="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation.Metadata"/>
properties, of type <see cref="T:Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Any"/>. You can then use <see cref="P:Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Any.TypeUrl"/> to determine the type of the value to unpack, or
<see cref="M:Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Any.TryUnpack``1(``0@)"/> with each type you support.</description>
<typeparam name="TResponse">The response message type.</typeparam>
<typeparam name="TMetadata">The metata message type.</typeparam>
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.s_defaultPollSettings">
The poll settings to use if the neither the OperationsClient nor the caller provides anything.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.RpcMessage">
The protobuf message associated with the long-running operation, containing the name (for
further retrieval) and any error/result already computed. This should not be mutated.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.Client">
The client to use when making RPCs.
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.#ctor(Google.LongRunning.Operation,Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient)">
Constructs a new instance from the given RPC message.
<param name="rpcMessage">The RPC message describing the operation. Must not be null.</param>
<param name="client">The client to use for further calls. Must not be null.</param>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.Name">
Returns the name of the operation, which can be persisted and used to poll for the latest
results at a later time or in a different program.
Only the in-memory representation of the operation (this object) is consulted for its state.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.IsCompleted">
Whether the operation has completed, where "complete" can include "failed".
Only the in-memory representation of the operation (this object) is consulted for its state.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.IsFaulted">
Whether the operation has completed with a failure.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.Exception">
The error associated with the operation, as an <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationFailedException"/>, or <c>null</c>
if the operation is not in an error state (either because it completed successfully, or because it
has not yet completed).
Only the in-memory representation of the operation (this object) is consulted for its state.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.Metadata">
Retrieves the metadata associated with this operation, or <c>null</c> if there is no
metadata in the underlying response message.
Only the in-memory representation of the operation (this object) is consulted for its state.
See the <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation"/> documentation for information about dealing with different metadata type versions.
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">Metadata is present, but is not of the expected type.</exception>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.GetMetadataOrNull">
Retrieves the metadata associated with this operation, or <c>null</c> if either there is no
metadata in the underlying response message, or it does not have the expected type.
Only the in-memory representation of the operation (this object) is consulted for its state.
See the <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation"/> documentation for information about dealing with different metadata type versions.
<returns>The metadata of the operation if possible, or null otherwise.</returns>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.Result">
Retrieves the result of the operation, throwing an exception if the operation failed, hasn't completed,
or has an unexpected result type. Unlike <see cref="P:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.Result"/>, this does not block.
If the operation has completed but the result is not present (for example due to being excluded by
a field mask) this returns null.
Only the in-memory representation of the operation (this object) is consulted for its state.
See the <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation"/> documentation for information about dealing with different response type versions.
<exception cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationFailedException">The operation completed with an error.</exception>
<exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The operation has not completed yet, or the result is present but
not of the expected result type.</exception>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.GetResultOrNull">
Retrieves the result of the operation, or null if the operation failed, hasn't completed, has an
unexpected result type, or didn't contain a result at all.
Only the in-memory representation of the operation (this object) is consulted for its state.
See the <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation"/> documentation for information about dealing with different response type versions.
<returns>The result of the operation if possible, or null otherwise.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.PollUntilCompleted(Google.Api.Gax.PollSettings,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings,System.Action{`1})">
Polls the operation until it is complete, returning the completed operation.
If this object already represents a completed operation, it is returned with no further RPCs.
If <paramref name="metadataCallback"/> is non-null, the callback will be called with any metadata
present before the result is returned.
Each callback is performed synchronously: this method waits for the callback to complete before the operation is next polled.
This guarantees that for a single call, metadata callbacks will never occur in parallel.
<param name="pollSettings">The settings to use for repeated polling, or null
to use the default poll settings (poll once every 10 seconds, forever).</param>
<param name="callSettings">The call settings to apply on each call, or null for default settings.</param>
<param name="metadataCallback">The callback to invoke with the metadata from each poll operation, even if the metadata is null.</param>
<returns>The completed operation, which can then be checked for errors or a result.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.PollUntilCompletedAsync(Google.Api.Gax.PollSettings,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings,System.Action{`1})">
Asynchronously polls the operation until it is complete, returning the completed operation.
If this object already represents a completed operation, it is returned with no further RPCs.
If <paramref name="metadataCallback"/> is non-null, the callback will be called with any metadata
present before the result is returned.
No guarantee is made as to which thread is used for metadata callbacks. However, each callback is
performed synchronously: this method waits for the callback to complete before the operation is next polled.
This guarantees that for a single call, metadata callbacks will never occur in parallel.
<param name="pollSettings">The settings to use for repeated polling, or null
to use the default poll settings (poll once every 10 seconds, forever).</param>
<param name="callSettings">The call settings to apply on each call, or null for default settings.</param>
<param name="metadataCallback">The callback to invoke with the metadata from each poll operation, even if the metadata is null.</param>
<returns>The completed operation, which can then be checked for errors or a result.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.PollOnce(Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Returns a new instance reflecting the most recent state of the operation.
<param name="callSettings">Any overriding call settings to apply to the RPC.</param>
<returns>The most recent state of the operation, or a reference to the same
object if the operation has already completed.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.PollOnceAsync(Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Asynchronously returns a new instance reflecting the most recent state of the operation.
<param name="callSettings">Any overriding call settings to apply to the RPC.</param>
<returns>A task representing the asynchronous poll operation. The result of the task is
the most recent state of the operation, or a reference to the same
object if the operation has already completed.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.PollOnceAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Asynchronously returns a new instance reflecting the most recent state of the operation.
<param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token for the poll operation.</param>
<returns>A task representing the asynchronous poll operation. The result of the task is
the most recent state of the operation, or a reference to the same
object if the operation has already completed.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.Cancel(Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Attempts to cancel the long-running operation.
<param name="callSettings">Any overriding call settings to apply to the RPC.</param>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.CancelAsync(Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Asynchronously attempts to cancel the long-running operation.
<param name="callSettings">Any overriding call settings to apply to the RPC.</param>
<returns>A task representing the asynchronous cancel operation.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.CancelAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Asynchronously attempts to cancel the long-running operation.
<param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token for the cancel RPC.
Note that this is not a cancellation token for the long-running operation itself.</param>
<returns>A task representing the asynchronous cancel operation.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.Delete(Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Deletes the long-running operation. This does not cancel it; it
only indicates that the client is no longer interested in the result.
<param name="callSettings">Any overriding call settings to apply to the RPC.</param>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.DeleteAsync(Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Asynchronously deletes the long-running operation. This does not cancel it; it
only indicates that the client is no longer interested in the result.
<param name="callSettings">Any overriding call settings to apply to the RPC.</param>
<returns>A task representing the asynchronous deletion operation.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.DeleteAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Asynchronously deletes the long-running operation. This does not cancel it; it
only indicates that the client is no longer interested in the result.
<param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token for the cancel RPC.
Note that this is not a cancellation token for the long-running operation itself.</param>
<returns>A task representing the asynchronous deletion operation.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.PollOnceFromName(System.String,Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Creates a new instance reflecting the most recent state of the operation with the specified name.
<param name="name">The name of the operation, as returned when it was created. Must not be null.</param>
<param name="client">The client to make the RPC call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">Any overriding call settings to apply to the RPC. May be null, in which case
the default settings are used.</param>
<returns>The current state of the operation identified by <paramref name="name"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.PollOnceFromNameAsync(System.String,Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Asynchronously creates a new instance reflecting the most recent state of the operation with the specified name.
<param name="name">The name of the operation, as returned when it was created. Must not be null.</param>
<param name="client">The client to make the RPC call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">Any overriding call settings to apply to the RPC. May be null, in which case
the default settings are used.</param>
<returns>A task representing the asynchronous "fetch" operation. The result of the task is
the current state of the operation identified by <paramref name="name"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operation`2.PollOnceFromNameAsync(System.String,Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Asynchronously creates a new instance reflecting the most recent state of the operation with the specified name.
<param name="name">The name of the operation, as returned when it was created. Must not be null.</param>
<param name="client">The client to make the RPC call.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">A cancellation token for the "fetch" operation.</param>
<returns>A task representing the asynchronous "fetch" operation. The result of the task is
the current state of the operation identified by <paramref name="name"/>.</returns>
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationFailedException">
An exception to indicate that a long-running operation failed.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationFailedException.Operation">
The operation message containing the original error.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationFailedException.Status">
The status message within the operation's error field.
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationFailedException.#ctor(Google.LongRunning.Operation)">
Constructs an exception based on a protobuf message representing a failed operation.
<param name="operation">The failed operation. Must not be null, and must have an error.</param>
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsReflection">
<summary>Holder for reflection information generated from google/longrunning/operations.proto</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsReflection.Descriptor">
<summary>File descriptor for google/longrunning/operations.proto</summary>
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsExtensions">
<summary>Holder for extension identifiers generated from the top level of google/longrunning/operations.proto</summary>
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.OperationsExtensions.OperationInfo">
Additional information regarding long-running operations.
In particular, this specifies the types that are returned from
long-running operations.
Required for methods that return `google.longrunning.Operation`; invalid
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation">
This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a
network API call.
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.Operation.NameFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "name" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation.Name">
The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service that
originally returns it. If you use the default HTTP mapping, the
`name` should be a resource name ending with `operations/{unique_id}`.
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.Operation.MetadataFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "metadata" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation.Metadata">
Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically
contains progress information and common metadata such as create time.
Some services might not provide such metadata. Any method that returns a
long-running operation should document the metadata type, if any.
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.Operation.DoneFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "done" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation.Done">
If the value is `false`, it means the operation is still in progress.
If `true`, the operation is completed, and either `error` or `response` is
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.Operation.ErrorFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "error" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation.Error">
The error result of the operation in case of failure or cancellation.
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.Operation.ResponseFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "response" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operation.Response">
The normal response of the operation in case of success. If the original
method returns no data on success, such as `Delete`, the response is
`google.protobuf.Empty`. If the original method is standard
`Get`/`Create`/`Update`, the response should be the resource. For other
methods, the response should have the type `XxxResponse`, where `Xxx`
is the original method name. For example, if the original method name
is `TakeSnapshot()`, the inferred response type is
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation.ResultOneofCase">
<summary>Enum of possible cases for the "result" oneof.</summary>
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest">
The request message for [Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation].
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest.NameFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "name" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest.Name">
The name of the operation resource.
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest">
The request message for [Operations.ListOperations][google.longrunning.Operations.ListOperations].
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest.NameFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "name" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest.Name">
The name of the operation's parent resource.
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest.FilterFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "filter" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest.Filter">
The standard list filter.
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest.PageSizeFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "page_size" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest.PageSize">
The standard list page size.
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest.PageTokenFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "page_token" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest.PageToken">
The standard list page token.
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsResponse">
The response message for [Operations.ListOperations][google.longrunning.Operations.ListOperations].
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsResponse.OperationsFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "operations" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsResponse.Operations">
A list of operations that matches the specified filter in the request.
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsResponse.NextPageTokenFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "next_page_token" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsResponse.NextPageToken">
The standard List next-page token.
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsResponse.GetEnumerator">
<summary>Returns an enumerator that iterates through the resources in this response.</summary>
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest">
The request message for [Operations.CancelOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.CancelOperation].
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest.NameFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "name" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest.Name">
The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest">
The request message for [Operations.DeleteOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.DeleteOperation].
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest.NameFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "name" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest.Name">
The name of the operation resource to be deleted.
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest">
The request message for [Operations.WaitOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.WaitOperation].
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest.NameFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "name" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest.Name">
The name of the operation resource to wait on.
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest.TimeoutFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "timeout" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest.Timeout">
The maximum duration to wait before timing out. If left blank, the wait
will be at most the time permitted by the underlying HTTP/RPC protocol.
If RPC context deadline is also specified, the shorter one will be used.
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationInfo">
A message representing the message types used by a long-running operation.
rpc LongRunningRecognize(LongRunningRecognizeRequest)
returns (google.longrunning.Operation) {
option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = {
response_type: "LongRunningRecognizeResponse"
metadata_type: "LongRunningRecognizeMetadata"
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.OperationInfo.ResponseTypeFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "response_type" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationInfo.ResponseType">
Required. The message name of the primary return type for this
long-running operation.
This type will be used to deserialize the LRO's response.
If the response is in a different package from the rpc, a fully-qualified
message name must be used (e.g. `google.protobuf.Struct`).
Note: Altering this value constitutes a breaking change.
<member name="F:Google.LongRunning.OperationInfo.MetadataTypeFieldNumber">
<summary>Field number for the "metadata_type" field.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationInfo.MetadataType">
Required. The message name of the metadata type for this long-running
If the response is in a different package from the rpc, a fully-qualified
message name must be used (e.g. `google.protobuf.Struct`).
Note: Altering this value constitutes a breaking change.
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings">
<summary>Settings for <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient"/> instances.</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings.GetDefault">
<summary>Get a new instance of the default <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings"/>.</summary>
<returns>A new instance of the default <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings.#ctor">
<summary>Constructs a new <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings"/> object with default settings.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings.ListOperationsSettings">
<see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings"/> for synchronous and asynchronous calls to
<c>OperationsClient.ListOperations</c> and <c>OperationsClient.ListOperationsAsync</c>.
<list type="bullet">
<item><description>Initial retry delay: 500 milliseconds.</description></item>
<item><description>Retry delay multiplier: 2</description></item>
<item><description>Retry maximum delay: 10000 milliseconds.</description></item>
<item><description>Maximum attempts: 5</description></item>
<description>Retriable status codes: <see cref="F:Grpc.Core.StatusCode.Unavailable"/>.</description>
<item><description>Timeout: 10 seconds.</description></item>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings.GetOperationSettings">
<see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings"/> for synchronous and asynchronous calls to
<c>OperationsClient.GetOperation</c> and <c>OperationsClient.GetOperationAsync</c>.
<list type="bullet">
<item><description>Initial retry delay: 500 milliseconds.</description></item>
<item><description>Retry delay multiplier: 2</description></item>
<item><description>Retry maximum delay: 10000 milliseconds.</description></item>
<item><description>Maximum attempts: 5</description></item>
<description>Retriable status codes: <see cref="F:Grpc.Core.StatusCode.Unavailable"/>.</description>
<item><description>Timeout: 10 seconds.</description></item>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings.DeleteOperationSettings">
<see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings"/> for synchronous and asynchronous calls to
<c>OperationsClient.DeleteOperation</c> and <c>OperationsClient.DeleteOperationAsync</c>.
<list type="bullet">
<item><description>Initial retry delay: 500 milliseconds.</description></item>
<item><description>Retry delay multiplier: 2</description></item>
<item><description>Retry maximum delay: 10000 milliseconds.</description></item>
<item><description>Maximum attempts: 5</description></item>
<description>Retriable status codes: <see cref="F:Grpc.Core.StatusCode.Unavailable"/>.</description>
<item><description>Timeout: 10 seconds.</description></item>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings.CancelOperationSettings">
<see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings"/> for synchronous and asynchronous calls to
<c>OperationsClient.CancelOperation</c> and <c>OperationsClient.CancelOperationAsync</c>.
<list type="bullet">
<item><description>Initial retry delay: 500 milliseconds.</description></item>
<item><description>Retry delay multiplier: 2</description></item>
<item><description>Retry maximum delay: 10000 milliseconds.</description></item>
<item><description>Maximum attempts: 5</description></item>
<description>Retriable status codes: <see cref="F:Grpc.Core.StatusCode.Unavailable"/>.</description>
<item><description>Timeout: 10 seconds.</description></item>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings.WaitOperationSettings">
<see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings"/> for synchronous and asynchronous calls to
<c>OperationsClient.WaitOperation</c> and <c>OperationsClient.WaitOperationAsync</c>.
<list type="bullet">
<item><description>This call will not be retried.</description></item>
<item><description>No timeout is applied.</description></item>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings.Clone">
<summary>Creates a deep clone of this object, with all the same property values.</summary>
<returns>A deep clone of this <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings"/> object.</returns>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings.DefaultPollSettings">
The poll settings used by default for repeated polling operations.
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientBuilder">
Builder class for <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient"/> to provide simple configuration of credentials, endpoint etc.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientBuilder.Settings">
<summary>The settings to use for RPCs, or <c>null</c> for the default settings.</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientBuilder.#ctor">
<summary>Creates a new builder with default settings.</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientBuilder.Build">
<summary>Builds the resulting client.</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientBuilder.BuildAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
<summary>Builds the resulting client asynchronously.</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientBuilder.GetChannelPool">
<summary>Returns the channel pool to use when no other options are specified.</summary>
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient">
<summary>Operations client wrapper, for convenient use.</summary>
Manages long-running operations with an API service.
When an API method normally takes long time to complete, it can be designed
to return [Operation][google.longrunning.Operation] to the client, and the client can use this
interface to receive the real response asynchronously by polling the
operation resource, or pass the operation resource to another API (such as
Google Cloud Pub/Sub API) to receive the response. Any API service that
returns long-running operations should implement the `Operations` interface
so developers can have a consistent client experience.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.DefaultEndpoint">
The default endpoint for the Operations service, which is a host of "" and a port
of 443.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.DefaultScopes">
<summary>The default Operations scopes.</summary>
<remarks>The default Operations scopes are:<list type="bullet"></list></remarks>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.ServiceMetadata">
<summary>The service metadata associated with this client type.</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.CreateAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Asynchronously creates a <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient"/> using the default credentials, endpoint and
settings. To specify custom credentials or other settings, use <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientBuilder"/>.
<param name="cancellationToken">
The <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken"/> to use while creating the client.
<returns>The task representing the created <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.Create">
Synchronously creates a <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient"/> using the default credentials, endpoint and settings.
To specify custom credentials or other settings, use <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientBuilder"/>.
<returns>The created <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.Create(Grpc.Core.CallInvoker,Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings,Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger)">
Creates a <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient"/> which uses the specified call invoker for remote operations.
<param name="callInvoker">
The <see cref="T:Grpc.Core.CallInvoker"/> for remote operations. Must not be null.
<param name="settings">Optional <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings"/>.</param>
<param name="logger">Optional <see cref="T:Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"/>.</param>
<returns>The created <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.ShutdownDefaultChannelsAsync">
Shuts down any channels automatically created by <see cref="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.Create"/> and
<see cref="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.CreateAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)"/>. Channels which weren't automatically created are not
After calling this method, further calls to <see cref="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.Create"/> and
<see cref="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.CreateAsync(System.Threading.CancellationToken)"/> will create new channels, which could in turn be shut down
by another call to this method.
<returns>A task representing the asynchronous shutdown operation.</returns>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.GrpcClient">
<summary>The underlying gRPC Operations client</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.ListOperations(Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding
to use different resource name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To
override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
`"/v1/{name=users/*}/operations"` to their service configuration.
For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding
is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A pageable sequence of <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation"/> resources.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.ListOperationsAsync(Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding
to use different resource name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To
override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
`"/v1/{name=users/*}/operations"` to their service configuration.
For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding
is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A pageable asynchronous sequence of <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation"/> resources.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.ListOperations(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Int32},Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding
to use different resource name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To
override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
`"/v1/{name=users/*}/operations"` to their service configuration.
For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding
is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
<param name="name">
The name of the operation's parent resource.
<param name="filter">
The standard list filter.
<param name="pageToken">
The token returned from the previous request. A value of <c>null</c> or an empty string retrieves the first
<param name="pageSize">
The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of
<c>null</c> or <c>0</c> uses a server-defined page size.
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A pageable sequence of <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation"/> resources.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.ListOperationsAsync(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Nullable{System.Int32},Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding
to use different resource name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To
override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
`"/v1/{name=users/*}/operations"` to their service configuration.
For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding
is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
<param name="name">
The name of the operation's parent resource.
<param name="filter">
The standard list filter.
<param name="pageToken">
The token returned from the previous request. A value of <c>null</c> or an empty string retrieves the first
<param name="pageSize">
The size of page to request. The response will not be larger than this, but may be smaller. A value of
<c>null</c> or <c>0</c> uses a server-defined page size.
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A pageable asynchronous sequence of <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation"/> resources.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.GetOperation(Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>The RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.GetOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.GetOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken"/> to use for this RPC.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.GetOperation(System.String,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="name">
The name of the operation resource.
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>The RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.GetOperationAsync(System.String,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="name">
The name of the operation resource.
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.GetOperationAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="name">
The name of the operation resource.
<param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken"/> to use for this RPC.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.DeleteOperation(Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>The RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.DeleteOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.DeleteOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken"/> to use for this RPC.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.DeleteOperation(System.String,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="name">
The name of the operation resource to be deleted.
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>The RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.DeleteOperationAsync(System.String,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="name">
The name of the operation resource to be deleted.
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.DeleteOperationAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="name">
The name of the operation resource to be deleted.
<param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken"/> to use for this RPC.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.CancelOperation(Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>The RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.CancelOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.CancelOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken"/> to use for this RPC.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.CancelOperation(System.String,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="name">
The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>The RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.CancelOperationAsync(System.String,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="name">
The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.CancelOperationAsync(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="name">
The name of the operation resource to be cancelled.
<param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken"/> to use for this RPC.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.WaitOperation(Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most
a specified timeout, returning the latest state. If the operation is
already done, the latest state is immediately returned. If the timeout
specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC timeout, the HTTP/RPC
timeout is used. If the server does not support this method, it returns
Note that this method is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest
state before the specified timeout (including immediately), meaning even an
immediate response is no guarantee that the operation is done.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>The RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.WaitOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most
a specified timeout, returning the latest state. If the operation is
already done, the latest state is immediately returned. If the timeout
specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC timeout, the HTTP/RPC
timeout is used. If the server does not support this method, it returns
Note that this method is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest
state before the specified timeout (including immediately), meaning even an
immediate response is no guarantee that the operation is done.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.WaitOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most
a specified timeout, returning the latest state. If the operation is
already done, the latest state is immediately returned. If the timeout
specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC timeout, the HTTP/RPC
timeout is used. If the server does not support this method, it returns
Note that this method is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest
state before the specified timeout (including immediately), meaning even an
immediate response is no guarantee that the operation is done.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="T:System.Threading.CancellationToken"/> to use for this RPC.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.Clock">
The clock used for timeouts, retries and polling.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.Scheduler">
The scheduler used for timeouts, retries and polling.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.DefaultPollSettings">
The poll settings used by default for repeated polling operations.
May be null if no defaults have been set.
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.GetEffectiveCallSettingsForGetOperation(Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Return the <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings"/> that would be used by a call to
<see cref="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient.GetOperation(Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)"/>, using the base
settings of this client and the specified per-call overrides.
This method is used when polling, to determine the appropriate timeout and cancellation
token to use for each call.
<param name="callSettings">The per-call override, if any.</param>
<returns>The effective call settings for a GetOperation RPC.</returns>
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl">
<summary>Operations client wrapper implementation, for convenient use.</summary>
Manages long-running operations with an API service.
When an API method normally takes long time to complete, it can be designed
to return [Operation][google.longrunning.Operation] to the client, and the client can use this
interface to receive the real response asynchronously by polling the
operation resource, or pass the operation resource to another API (such as
Google Cloud Pub/Sub API) to receive the response. Any API service that
returns long-running operations should implement the `Operations` interface
so developers can have a consistent client experience.
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.#ctor(Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient,Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings,Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger)">
Constructs a client wrapper for the Operations service, with the specified gRPC client and settings.
<param name="grpcClient">The underlying gRPC client.</param>
<param name="settings">The base <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsSettings"/> used within this client.</param>
<param name="logger">Optional <see cref="T:Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger"/> to use within this client.</param>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.GrpcClient">
<summary>The underlying gRPC Operations client</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.ListOperations(Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding
to use different resource name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To
override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
`"/v1/{name=users/*}/operations"` to their service configuration.
For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding
is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A pageable sequence of <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation"/> resources.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.ListOperationsAsync(Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding
to use different resource name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To
override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
`"/v1/{name=users/*}/operations"` to their service configuration.
For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding
is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A pageable asynchronous sequence of <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.Operation"/> resources.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.GetOperation(Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>The RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.GetOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.DeleteOperation(Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>The RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.DeleteOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.CancelOperation(Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>The RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.CancelOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.WaitOperation(Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most
a specified timeout, returning the latest state. If the operation is
already done, the latest state is immediately returned. If the timeout
specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC timeout, the HTTP/RPC
timeout is used. If the server does not support this method, it returns
Note that this method is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest
state before the specified timeout (including immediately), meaning even an
immediate response is no guarantee that the operation is done.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>The RPC response.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.WaitOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest,Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most
a specified timeout, returning the latest state. If the operation is
already done, the latest state is immediately returned. If the timeout
specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC timeout, the HTTP/RPC
timeout is used. If the server does not support this method, it returns
Note that this method is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest
state before the specified timeout (including immediately), meaning even an
immediate response is no guarantee that the operation is done.
<param name="request">The request object containing all of the parameters for the API call.</param>
<param name="callSettings">If not null, applies overrides to this RPC call.</param>
<returns>A Task containing the RPC response.</returns>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.Clock">
<inheritdoc />
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.Scheduler">
<inheritdoc />
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.DefaultPollSettings">
<inheritdoc />
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientImpl.GetEffectiveCallSettingsForGetOperation(Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.CallSettings)">
<inheritdoc />
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.Operations">
Manages long-running operations with an API service.
When an API method normally takes long time to complete, it can be designed
to return [Operation][google.longrunning.Operation] to the client, and the client can use this
interface to receive the real response asynchronously by polling the
operation resource, or pass the operation resource to another API (such as
Google Cloud Pub/Sub API) to receive the response. Any API service that
returns long-running operations should implement the `Operations` interface
so developers can have a consistent client experience.
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.Operations.Descriptor">
<summary>Service descriptor</summary>
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsBase">
<summary>Base class for server-side implementations of Operations</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsBase.ListOperations(Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest,Grpc.Core.ServerCallContext)">
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding
to use different resource name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To
override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
`"/v1/{name=users/*}/operations"` to their service configuration.
For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding
is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
<param name="request">The request received from the client.</param>
<param name="context">The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.</param>
<returns>The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsBase.GetOperation(Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.ServerCallContext)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="request">The request received from the client.</param>
<param name="context">The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.</param>
<returns>The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsBase.DeleteOperation(Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.ServerCallContext)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="request">The request received from the client.</param>
<param name="context">The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.</param>
<returns>The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsBase.CancelOperation(Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.ServerCallContext)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="request">The request received from the client.</param>
<param name="context">The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.</param>
<returns>The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsBase.WaitOperation(Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.ServerCallContext)">
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most
a specified timeout, returning the latest state. If the operation is
already done, the latest state is immediately returned. If the timeout
specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC timeout, the HTTP/RPC
timeout is used. If the server does not support this method, it returns
Note that this method is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest
state before the specified timeout (including immediately), meaning even an
immediate response is no guarantee that the operation is done.
<param name="request">The request received from the client.</param>
<param name="context">The context of the server-side call handler being invoked.</param>
<returns>The response to send back to the client (wrapped by a task).</returns>
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient">
<summary>Client for Operations</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.#ctor(Grpc.Core.ChannelBase)">
<summary>Creates a new client for Operations</summary>
<param name="channel">The channel to use to make remote calls.</param>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.#ctor(Grpc.Core.CallInvoker)">
<summary>Creates a new client for Operations that uses a custom <c>CallInvoker</c>.</summary>
<param name="callInvoker">The callInvoker to use to make remote calls.</param>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.#ctor">
<summary>Protected parameterless constructor to allow creation of test doubles.</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.#ctor(Grpc.Core.ClientBase.ClientBaseConfiguration)">
<summary>Protected constructor to allow creation of configured clients.</summary>
<param name="configuration">The client configuration.</param>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.ListOperations(Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest,Grpc.Core.Metadata,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding
to use different resource name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To
override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
`"/v1/{name=users/*}/operations"` to their service configuration.
For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding
is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
<param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
<returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.ListOperations(Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest,Grpc.Core.CallOptions)">
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding
to use different resource name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To
override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
`"/v1/{name=users/*}/operations"` to their service configuration.
For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding
is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
<returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.ListOperationsAsync(Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest,Grpc.Core.Metadata,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding
to use different resource name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To
override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
`"/v1/{name=users/*}/operations"` to their service configuration.
For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding
is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
<param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
<returns>The call object.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.ListOperationsAsync(Google.LongRunning.ListOperationsRequest,Grpc.Core.CallOptions)">
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request. If the
server doesn't support this method, it returns `UNIMPLEMENTED`.
NOTE: the `name` binding allows API services to override the binding
to use different resource name schemes, such as `users/*/operations`. To
override the binding, API services can add a binding such as
`"/v1/{name=users/*}/operations"` to their service configuration.
For backwards compatibility, the default name includes the operations
collection id, however overriding users must ensure the name binding
is the parent resource, without the operations collection id.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
<returns>The call object.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.GetOperation(Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.Metadata,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
<param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
<returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.GetOperation(Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.CallOptions)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
<returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.GetOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.Metadata,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
<param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
<returns>The call object.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.GetOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.GetOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.CallOptions)">
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this
method to poll the operation result at intervals as recommended by the API
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
<returns>The call object.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.DeleteOperation(Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.Metadata,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
<param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
<returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.DeleteOperation(Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.CallOptions)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
<returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.DeleteOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.Metadata,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
<param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
<returns>The call object.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.DeleteOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.DeleteOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.CallOptions)">
Deletes a long-running operation. This method indicates that the client is
no longer interested in the operation result. It does not cancel the
operation. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
<returns>The call object.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.CancelOperation(Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.Metadata,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
<param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
<returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.CancelOperation(Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.CallOptions)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
<returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.CancelOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.Metadata,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
<param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
<returns>The call object.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.CancelOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.CancelOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.CallOptions)">
Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running operation. The server
makes a best effort to cancel the operation, but success is not
guaranteed. If the server doesn't support this method, it returns
`google.rpc.Code.UNIMPLEMENTED`. Clients can use
[Operations.GetOperation][google.longrunning.Operations.GetOperation] or
other methods to check whether the cancellation succeeded or whether the
operation completed despite cancellation. On successful cancellation,
the operation is not deleted; instead, it becomes an operation with
an [Operation.error][google.longrunning.Operation.error] value with a [google.rpc.Status.code][google.rpc.Status.code] of 1,
corresponding to `Code.CANCELLED`.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
<returns>The call object.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.WaitOperation(Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.Metadata,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most
a specified timeout, returning the latest state. If the operation is
already done, the latest state is immediately returned. If the timeout
specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC timeout, the HTTP/RPC
timeout is used. If the server does not support this method, it returns
Note that this method is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest
state before the specified timeout (including immediately), meaning even an
immediate response is no guarantee that the operation is done.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
<param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
<returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.WaitOperation(Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.CallOptions)">
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most
a specified timeout, returning the latest state. If the operation is
already done, the latest state is immediately returned. If the timeout
specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC timeout, the HTTP/RPC
timeout is used. If the server does not support this method, it returns
Note that this method is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest
state before the specified timeout (including immediately), meaning even an
immediate response is no guarantee that the operation is done.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
<returns>The response received from the server.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.WaitOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.Metadata,System.Nullable{System.DateTime},System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most
a specified timeout, returning the latest state. If the operation is
already done, the latest state is immediately returned. If the timeout
specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC timeout, the HTTP/RPC
timeout is used. If the server does not support this method, it returns
Note that this method is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest
state before the specified timeout (including immediately), meaning even an
immediate response is no guarantee that the operation is done.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="headers">The initial metadata to send with the call. This parameter is optional.</param>
<param name="deadline">An optional deadline for the call. The call will be cancelled if deadline is hit.</param>
<param name="cancellationToken">An optional token for canceling the call.</param>
<returns>The call object.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.WaitOperationAsync(Google.LongRunning.WaitOperationRequest,Grpc.Core.CallOptions)">
Waits until the specified long-running operation is done or reaches at most
a specified timeout, returning the latest state. If the operation is
already done, the latest state is immediately returned. If the timeout
specified is greater than the default HTTP/RPC timeout, the HTTP/RPC
timeout is used. If the server does not support this method, it returns
Note that this method is on a best-effort basis. It may return the latest
state before the specified timeout (including immediately), meaning even an
immediate response is no guarantee that the operation is done.
<param name="request">The request to send to the server.</param>
<param name="options">The options for the call.</param>
<returns>The call object.</returns>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsClient.NewInstance(Grpc.Core.ClientBase.ClientBaseConfiguration)">
<summary>Creates a new instance of client from given <c>ClientBaseConfiguration</c>.</summary>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.BindService(Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsBase)">
<summary>Creates service definition that can be registered with a server</summary>
<param name="serviceImpl">An object implementing the server-side handling logic.</param>
<member name="M:Google.LongRunning.Operations.BindService(Grpc.Core.ServiceBinderBase,Google.LongRunning.Operations.OperationsBase)">
<summary>Register service method with a service binder with or without implementation. Useful when customizing the service binding logic.
Note: this method is part of an experimental API that can change or be removed without any prior notice.</summary>
<param name="serviceBinder">Service methods will be bound by calling <c>AddMethod</c> on this object.</param>
<param name="serviceImpl">An object implementing the server-side handling logic.</param>
<member name="T:Google.LongRunning.PackageApiMetadata">
<summary>Static class to provide common access to package-wide API metadata.</summary>
<member name="P:Google.LongRunning.PackageApiMetadata.ApiMetadata">
<summary>The <see cref="T:Google.Api.Gax.Grpc.ApiMetadata"/> for services in this package.</summary>
<member name="T:Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionExtensions">
<summary>Static class to provide extension methods to configure API clients.</summary>
<member name="M:Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceCollectionExtensions.AddOperationsClient(Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection,System.Action{Google.LongRunning.OperationsClientBuilder})">
<summary>Adds a singleton <see cref="T:Google.LongRunning.OperationsClient"/> to <paramref name="services"/>.</summary>
<param name="services">
The service collection to add the client to. The services are used to configure the client when requested.
<param name="action">
An optional action to invoke on the client builder. This is invoked before services from
<paramref name="services"/> are used.