GameVsJam/3d Prototyp/Assets/Packages/Microsoft.NET.StringTools.1.../lib/netstandard2.0/Microsoft.NET.StringTools.xml

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<member name="T:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString">
Represents a string that can be converted to System.String with interning, i.e. by returning an existing string if it has been seen before
and is still tracked in the intern table.
<member name="T:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.Enumerator">
Enumerator for the top-level struct. Enumerates characters of the string.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.Enumerator._string">
The InternableString being enumerated.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.Enumerator._spanIndex">
Index of the current span, -1 represents the inline span.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.Enumerator._charIndex">
Index of the current character in the current span, -1 if MoveNext has not been called yet.
<member name="P:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.Enumerator.Current">
Returns the current character.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.Enumerator.MoveNext">
Moves to the next character.
<returns>True if there is another character, false if the enumerator reached the end.</returns>
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString._inlineSpan">
The span held by this struct, inline to be able to represent <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1"/>. May be empty.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString._inlineSpanString">
.NET Core does not keep a reference to the containing object in <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1"/>. In particular,
it cannot recover the string if the span represents one. We have to hold the reference separately to be able to
roundtrip String-&gt;InternableString-&gt;String without allocating a new String.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString._spans">
Additional spans held by this struct. May be null.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.#ctor(System.ReadOnlySpan{System.Char})">
Constructs a new InternableString wrapping the given <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlySpan`1"/>.
<param name="span">The span to wrap.</param>
When wrapping a span representing an entire System.String, use Internable(string) for optimum performance.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.#ctor(System.String)">
Constructs a new InternableString wrapping the given string.
<param name="str">The string to wrap, must be non-null.</param>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.#ctor(Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder)">
Constructs a new InternableString wrapping the given SpanBasedStringBuilder.
<member name="P:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.Length">
Gets the length of the string.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.GetEnumerator">
Creates a new enumerator for enumerating characters in this string. Does not allocate.
<returns>The enumerator.</returns>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.Equals(System.String)">
Returns true if the string is equal to another string by ordinal comparison.
<param name="other">Another string.</param>
<returns>True if this string is equal to <paramref name="other"/>.</returns>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.ExpensiveConvertToString">
Returns a System.String representing this string. Allocates memory unless this InternableString was created by wrapping a
System.String in which case the original string is returned.
<returns>The string.</returns>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.ReferenceEquals(System.String)">
Returns true if this InternableString wraps a System.String and the same System.String is passed as the argument.
<param name="str">The string to compare to.</param>
<returns>True is this instance wraps the given string.</returns>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.ToString">
Converts this instance to a System.String while first searching for a match in the intern table.
May allocate depending on whether the string has already been interned.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.GetHashCode">
Implements the simple yet very decently performing djb2-like hash function (xor version) as inspired by
<returns>A stable hashcode of the string represented by this instance.</returns>
Unlike the BCL method, this implementation works only on two characters at a time to cut on the complexity with
characters that feed into the same operation but straddle multiple spans. Note that it must return the same value for
a given string regardless of how it's split into spans (e.g. { "AB" } and { "A", "B" } have the same hash code).
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.GetHashCodeHelper(System.Char*,System.Int32,System.UInt32,System.Boolean@)">
Hashes a memory block specified by a pointer and length.
<param name="charPtr">Pointer to the first character.</param>
<param name="length">Number of characters at <paramref name="charPtr"/>.</param>
<param name="hash">The running hash code.</param>
<param name="hashedOddNumberOfCharacters">True if the incoming <paramref name="hash"/> was calculated from an odd number of characters.</param>
<returns>The updated running hash code (not passed as a ref parameter to play nicely with JIT optimizations).</returns>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString.RotateLeft(System.UInt32,System.Int32)">
Rotates an integer by the specified number of bits.
<param name="value">The value to rotate.</param>
<param name="offset">The number of bits.</param>
<returns>The rotated value.</returns>
<member name="T:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder">
A StringBuilder replacement that keeps a list of <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlyMemory`1"/> spans making up the intermediate string rather
than a copy of its characters. This has positive impact on both memory (no need to allocate space for the intermediate string)
and time (no need to copy characters to the intermediate string).
The <see cref="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.ToString"/> method tries to intern the resulting string without even allocating it if it's already interned.
Use <see cref="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.Strings.GetSpanBasedStringBuilder"/> to take advantage of pooling to eliminate allocation overhead of this class.
<member name="T:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Enumerator">
Enumerator for the top-level class. Enumerates characters of the string.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Enumerator._spans">
The spans being enumerated.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Enumerator._spanIndex">
Index of the current span.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Enumerator._charIndex">
Index of the current character in the current span, -1 if MoveNext has not been called yet.
<member name="P:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Enumerator.Current">
Returns the current character.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Enumerator.MoveNext">
Moves to the next character.
<returns>True if there is another character, false if the enumerator reached the end.</returns>
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder._spans">
Spans making up the rope.
<member name="P:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Spans">
Internal getter to get the list of spans out of the SpanBasedStringBuilder.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.#ctor(System.String)">
Constructs a new SpanBasedStringBuilder containing the given string.
<param name="str">The string to wrap, must be non-null.</param>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.#ctor(System.Int32)">
Constructs a new empty SpanBasedStringBuilder with the given expected number of spans.
<member name="P:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Length">
Gets the length of the string.
<member name="P:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Capacity">
Gets the capacity of the SpanBasedStringBuilder in terms of number of spans it can hold without allocating.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.GetEnumerator">
Creates a new enumerator for enumerating characters in this string. Does not allocate.
<returns>The enumerator.</returns>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.ToString">
Converts this instance to a System.String while first searching for a match in the intern table.
May allocate depending on whether the string has already been interned.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Dispose">
Releases this instance.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Append(System.String)">
Appends a string.
<param name="value">The string to append.</param>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Append(System.String,System.Int32,System.Int32)">
Appends a substring.
<param name="value">The string to append.</param>
<param name="startIndex">The start index of the substring within <paramref name="value"/> to append.</param>
<param name="count">The length of the substring to append.</param>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Append(System.ReadOnlyMemory{System.Char})">
Appends a character span represented by <see cref="T:System.ReadOnlyMemory`1" />.
<param name="span">The character span to append.</param>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.TrimStart">
Removes leading white-space characters from the string.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.TrimEnd">
Removes trailing white-space characters from the string.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Trim">
Removes leading and trailing white-space characters from the string.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder.Clear">
Clears this instance making it represent an empty string.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.Strings._spanBasedStringBuilder">
Per-thread instance of the SpanBasedStringBuilder, created lazily.
This field serves as a per-thread one-item object pool, which is adequate for most use
cases as the builder is not expected to be held for extended periods of time.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.Strings.WeakIntern(System.String)">
Interns the given string, keeping only a weak reference to the returned value.
<param name="str">The string to intern.</param>
<returns>A string equal to <paramref name="str"/>, could be the same object as <paramref name="str"/>.</returns>
The intern pool does not retain strong references to the strings it's holding so strings are automatically evicted
after they become unrooted. This is in contrast to <c>System.String.Intern</c> which holds strings forever.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.Strings.WeakIntern(System.ReadOnlySpan{System.Char})">
Interns the given readonly span of characters, keeping only a weak reference to the returned value.
<param name="str">The character span to intern.</param>
<returns>A string equal to <paramref name="str"/>, could be the result of calling ToString() on <paramref name="str"/>.</returns>
The intern pool does not retain strong references to the strings it's holding so strings are automatically evicted
after they become unrooted. This is in contrast to <c>System.String.Intern</c> which holds strings forever.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.Strings.GetSpanBasedStringBuilder">
Returns a new or recycled <see cref="T:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder"/>.
<returns>The SpanBasedStringBuilder.</returns>
Call <see cref="M:System.IDisposable.Dispose"/> on the returned instance to recycle it.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.Strings.EnableDiagnostics">
Enables diagnostics in the interner. Call <see cref="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.Strings.CreateDiagnosticReport"/> to retrieve the diagnostic data.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.Strings.CreateDiagnosticReport">
Retrieves the diagnostic data describing the current state of the interner. Make sure to call <see cref="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.Strings.EnableDiagnostics"/> beforehand.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.Strings.ReturnSpanBasedStringBuilder(Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder)">
Returns a <see cref="T:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.SpanBasedStringBuilder"/> instance back to the pool if possible.
<param name="stringBuilder">The instance to return.</param>
<member name="T:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache">
Implements the WeakStringCache functionality on modern .NET versions where ConcurrentDictionary is available.
A cache of weak GC handles pointing to strings. Weak GC handles are functionally equivalent to WeakReference's but have less overhead
(they're a struct as opposed to WR which is a finalizable class) at the expense of requiring manual lifetime management. As long as
a string has an ordinary strong GC root elsewhere in the process and another string with the same hashcode hasn't reused the entry,
the cache has a reference to it and can match it to an internable. When the string is collected, it is also automatically "removed"
from the cache by becoming unrecoverable from the GC handle. GC handles that do not reference a live string anymore are freed lazily.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.GetOrCreateEntry(Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString@,System.Boolean@)">
Main entrypoint of this cache. Tries to look up a string that matches the given internable. If it succeeds, returns
the string and sets cacheHit to true. If the string is not found, calls ExpensiveConvertToString on the internable,
adds the resulting string to the cache, and returns it, setting cacheHit to false.
<param name="internable">The internable describing the string we're looking for.</param>
<param name="cacheHit">true if match found in cache, false otherwise.</param>
<returns>A string matching the given internable.</returns>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.Scavenge">
Iterates over the cache and removes unused GC handles, i.e. handles that don't reference live strings.
This is expensive so try to call such that the cost is amortized to O(1) per GetOrCreateEntry() invocation.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.GetDebugInfo">
Returns internal debug counters calculated based on the current state of the cache.
<member name="T:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.DebugInfo">
Debug stats returned by GetDebugInfo().
<member name="T:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.StringWeakHandle">
Holds a weak GC handle to a string. Shared by all strings with the same hash code and referencing the last such string we've seen.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.StringWeakHandle.WeakHandle">
Weak GC handle to the last string of the given hashcode we've seen.
<member name="P:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.StringWeakHandle.IsUsed">
Returns true if the string referenced by the handle is still alive.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.StringWeakHandle.GetString(Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString@)">
Returns the string referenced by this handle if it is equal to the given internable.
<param name="internable">The internable describing the string we're looking for.</param>
<returns>The string matching the internable or null if the handle is referencing a collected string or the string is different.</returns>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.StringWeakHandle.SetString(System.String)">
Sets the handle to the given string. If the handle is still referencing another live string, that string is effectively forgotten.
<param name="str">The string to set.</param>
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.StringWeakHandle.Free">
Frees the GC handle.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache._initialCapacity">
Initial capacity of the underlying dictionary.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache._scavengeThreshold">
The maximum size we let the collection grow before scavenging unused entries.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.DisposeImpl">
Frees all GC handles and clears the cache.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCache.GetDebugInfoImpl">
Returns internal debug counters calculated based on the current state of the cache.
<member name="T:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner">
Implements interning based on a WeakStringCache.
<member name="T:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner.InternResult">
Enumerates the possible interning results.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner._weakStringCache">
The cache to keep strings in.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner._regularInternHits">
Number of times the regular interning path found the string in the cache.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner._regularInternMisses">
Number of times the regular interning path added the string to the cache.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner._internEliminatedStrings">
Total number of strings eliminated by interning.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner._internEliminatedChars">
Total number of chars eliminated across all strings.
<member name="F:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner._internCallCountsByString">
Maps strings that went though the interning path to the number of times they have been
seen. The higher the number the better the payoff of interning. Null if statistics
gathering has not been enabled.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner.Intern(Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString@,System.String@)">
Try to intern the string.
The return value indicates the how the string was interned.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner.InternableToString(Microsoft.NET.StringTools.InternableString@)">
WeakIntern the given InternableString.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner.EnableStatistics">
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner.FormatStatistics">
Returns a string with human-readable statistics.
<member name="M:Microsoft.NET.StringTools.WeakStringCacheInterner.Dispose">
Releases all strings from the underlying intern table.