System.Security.Permissions Invalid permission state. 'elem' was not a permission element. Invalid Xml - can only parse elements of version one. Operation on type '{0}' attempted with target of incorrect type. The protected resources (only available with full trust) were: The demanded resources were: Request for principal permission failed. Code Access Security is not supported on this platform. Attribute used to indicate a source generator should create a function for marshalling arguments instead of relying on the runtime to generate an equivalent marshalling function at run-time. This attribute is meaningless if the source generator associated with it is not enabled. The current built-in source generator only supports C# and only supplies an implementation when applied to static, partial, non-generic methods. Initializes a new instance of the . Name of the library containing the import. Gets the name of the library containing the import. Gets or sets the name of the entry point to be called. Gets or sets how to marshal string arguments to the method. If this field is set to a value other than , must not be specified. Gets or sets the used to control how string arguments to the method are marshalled. If this field is specified, must not be specified or must be set to . Gets or sets whether the callee sets an error (SetLastError on Windows or errno on other platforms) before returning from the attributed method. Specifies how strings should be marshalled for generated p/invokes Indicates the user is suppling a specific marshaller in . Use the platform-provided UTF-8 marshaller. Use the platform-provided UTF-16 marshaller. Base type for all platform-specific API attributes. Records the platform that the project targeted. Records the operating system (and minimum version) that supports an API. Multiple attributes can be applied to indicate support on multiple operating systems. Callers can apply a or use guards to prevent calls to APIs on unsupported operating systems. A given platform should only be specified once. Marks APIs that were removed in a given operating system version. Primarily used by OS bindings to indicate APIs that are only available in earlier versions. Marks APIs that were obsoleted in a given operating system version. Primarily used by OS bindings to indicate APIs that should not be used anymore. Annotates a custom guard field, property or method with a supported platform name and optional version. Multiple attributes can be applied to indicate guard for multiple supported platforms. Callers can apply a to a field, property or method and use that field, property or method in a conditional or assert statements in order to safely call platform specific APIs. The type of the field or property should be boolean, the method return type should be boolean in order to be used as platform guard. Annotates the custom guard field, property or method with an unsupported platform name and optional version. Multiple attributes can be applied to indicate guard for multiple unsupported platforms. Callers can apply a to a field, property or method and use that field, property or method in a conditional or assert statements as a guard to safely call APIs unsupported on those platforms. The type of the field or property should be boolean, the method return type should be boolean in order to be used as platform guard.