System.Composition.Convention Provides methods for creating and configuring rules to define CLR objects as Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) parts. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a rule that applies to the specified type. The type. An object that can be used to further configure the rule. Creates a rule that applies to the specified generic type. The generic type. An object that can be used to further configure the rule. Creates a rule that applies to all types that implement, or are derived from, the specified type. The type. An object that can be used to further configure the rule. Creates a rule that applies to all types that implement, or are derived from, the specified generic type. The generic type. An object that can be used to further configure the rule. Creates a rule that applies to types that match the specified predicate. The predicate to match. An object that can be used to further configure the rule. Creates a rule that applies to types that match the specified predicate and generic type. The predicate to match. The type to match. An object that can be used to further configure the rule. Retrieves the list of custom attributes applied to the specified member of the specified type. The type. The member to inspect. A collection of custom attributes. Retrieves the list of custom attributes applied to the specified parameter of the specified type. The type. The parameter to inspect. A collection of custom attributes. Configures an export that is associated with a part. Adds metadata that has the specified name and value to the export. The name of the metadata to add. A function that provides the value of the metadata to add. An export builder containing the metadata that allows for further configuration. Adds metadata that has the specified name and value to the export. The name of the metadata to add. The value of the metadata to add. An export builder containing the metadata that allows for further configuration. Specifies the contract name for the export based on the result of the specified function on the export type. The function that provides the contract name. An export builder containing the contract name that allows for further configuration. Specifies the contract name for the export. The contract name. An export builder containing the contract name that allows for further configuration. Specifies the contract type for the export. The type. An export builder containing the contract type that allows for further configuration. Specifies the contract type for the export as a generic type. The generic type. An export builder containing the contract type that allows for further configuration. Configures an import that is associated with a part. Adds a constraint to the import requiring the specified metadata name and the value provided by the specified function on the part type. The required metadata name. A function that provides the required metadata value. An import builder containing the constraint that allows for further configuration. Adds a constraint to the import requiring the specified metadata name and value. The required metadata name. The required metadata value. An import builder containing the constraint that allows for further configuration. Allows the import to receive the default value for its type if the contract cannot be supplied by another part. An import builder that allows default values and can be further configured. Sets the contract name of the import to the value provided by the specified function on the part type. A function that provides the contract name of the import. An import builder containing the contract name that allows for further configuration. Sets the contract name of the import to the specified string. The contract name of the import. An import builder containing the contract name that allows for further configuration. Configures the import to receive a collection of exports. An import builder that can receive a collection of exports and allows for further configuration. Configures the import to receive a collection of exports, possibly representing all available matching exports. to provide all available matching exports; otherwise, . An import builder that can receive a collection of exports and allows for further configuration. Represents a helper type that is used when configuring a . Imports the specified type. The type to import. The imported instance. Imports the specified generic type by using the specified configuration. The configuration for the import. The type to import. The imported instance. Configures a type as a Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) part. Adds metadata that has the specified name and value to the part. The value is returned by a function that maps the part type to the metadata value. The name of the metadata to add. A function that returns the metadata value on the part type. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Adds metadata that has the specified name and value to the part. The metadata name. The metadata value. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Exports the part with its concrete type as the contract type. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Exports the part that has the specified configuration. An action that configures the part. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Exports the part that has the specified contract type. The contract type. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Exports the part that has the specified contract type by using the specified configuration. An action that configures the part. The contract type. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects all interfaces on the part type to be exported. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects interfaces on the part type to be exported according to the specified filter. A predicate that specifies the interfaces to be selected. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects interfaces on the part type to be exported according to the specified filter, using the specified export configuration. A predicate that specifies the interfaces to be selected. An action that configures the exports. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects the properties on the part to export according to the specified predicate. A predicate that specifies the properites to export. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects the properties on the part to export according to the specified predicate, using the specified export configuration. A predicate that specifies the properites to export. An action that configures the exports. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects the properties on the part to export according to the specified predicate, using the specified contract type. A predicate that specifies the properites to export. The contract type. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects the properties on the part to export according to the specified predicate, using the specified contract type and export configuration. A predicate that specifies the properites to export. An action that configures the exports. The contract type. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects the properties on the part to import according to the specified predicate. A predicate that specifies the properites to import. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects the properties on the part to import according to the specified predicate, using the specified import configuration. A predicate that specifies the properites to import. An action that configures the imports. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects the properties on the part to import according to the specified predicate, using the specified contract type. A predicate that specifies the properties to import. The contract type. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects the properties on the part to import according to the specified predicate, using the specified contract type and import configuration. A predicate that specifies the properties to import. An action that configures the imports. The contract type. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Select methods to be used as a notification when composition is complete. A predicate that selects the methods. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects the constructor used to initialize the part by using the specified function. A function that returns a single constructor. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Selects the constructor used to initialize the part by using the specified function and import configuration. A function that returns a single constructor. A method that configures the constructor's imports. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Marks the part as being shared throughout the entire composition. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Marks the part as being shared within the specified boundary. The boundary. A part builder that can be used to further configure the part. Configures a type as a Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) part, with strongly typed return values. The type of the part. Exports a specified property. A function that selects the property to export. An object that can be used to further configure the part. Exports a specified property with the specified configuration. A function that selects the property to export. An action that configures the exported property. The expression must be a for accessing a property. An object that can be used to further configure the part. Exports a specified property as a specified contract type. A function that selects the property to export. The contract type. The expression must be a for accessing a property. An object that can be used to further configure the part. Exports a specified property as a specified contract type by using the specified configuration. A function that selects the property to export. An action that configures the exported property. The contract type. An object that can be used to further configure the part. Imports a specified property. A function that selects the property to import. An object that can be used to further configure the part. Imports a specified property by using the specified configuration. A function that selects the property to import. An action that configures the imported property. The expression must be a for accessing a property. An object that can be used to further configure the part. Imports a specified property with the specified contract type. A function that selects the property to import. The contract type. An object that can be used to further configure the part. Imports a specified property with the specified contract type and configuration. A function that selects the property to import. An action that configures the imported property. The contract type. The expression must be a for accessing a property. An object that can be used to further configure the part. Selects a method to be called when composition is complete. An action that selects the method to call. The expression must be a method with no arguments. An object that can be used to further configure the part. Selects a constructor to be used in composition. A function that selects a constructor. The expression must use the operator. An object that can be used to further configure the part.