Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration IConfigurationBuilder extension methods for the chaind configuration provider. Adds an existing configuration to . The to add to. The to add. The . Chained implementation of Initialize a new instance from the source configuration. The source configuration. Tries to get a configuration value for the specified key. The key. The value. True if a value for the specified key was found, otherwise false. Sets a configuration value for the specified key. The key. The value. Returns a change token if this provider supports change tracking, null otherwise. Loads configuration values from the source represented by this . Returns the immediate descendant configuration keys for a given parent path based on this 's data and the set of keys returned by all the preceding s. The child keys returned by the preceding providers for the same parent path. The parent path. The child keys. Represents a chained IConfiguration as an . The chained configuration. Builds the for this source. The . A Used to build key/value based configuration settings for use in an application. Returns the sources used to obtain configuration values. Gets a key/value collection that can be used to share data between the and the registered s. Adds a new configuration source. The configuration source to add. The same . Builds an with keys and values from the set of providers registered in . An with keys and values from the registered providers. IComparer implementation used to order configuration keys. The default instance. Compares two strings. First string. Second string. Base helper class for implementing an Initializes a new The configuration key value pairs for this provider. Attempts to find a value with the given key, returns true if one is found, false otherwise. The key to lookup. The value found at key if one is found. True if key has a value, false otherwise. Sets a value for a given key. The configuration key to set. The value to set. Loads (or reloads) the data for this provider. Returns the list of keys that this provider has. The earlier keys that other providers contain. The path for the parent IConfiguration. The list of keys for this provider. Returns a that can be used to listen when this provider is reloaded. Triggers the reload change token and creates a new one. Implements Indicates if this token will proactively raise callbacks. Callbacks are still guaranteed to be invoked, eventually. Gets a value that indicates if a change has occurred. Registers for a callback that will be invoked when the entry has changed. MUST be set before the callback is invoked. The callback to invoke. State to be passed into the callback. Used to trigger the change token when a reload occurs. The root node for a configuration. Initializes a Configuration root with a list of providers. The s for this configuration. The s for this configuration. Gets or sets the value corresponding to a configuration key. The configuration key. The configuration value. Gets the immediate children sub-sections. Returns a that can be used to observe when this configuration is reloaded. Gets a configuration sub-section with the specified key. The key of the configuration section. The . This method will never return null. If no matching sub-section is found with the specified key, an empty will be returned. Force the configuration values to be reloaded from the underlying sources. Represents a section of application configuration values. Initializes a new instance. The configuration root. The path to this section. Gets the full path to this section from the . Gets the key this section occupies in its parent. Gets or sets the section value. Gets or sets the value corresponding to a configuration key. The configuration key. The configuration value. Gets a configuration sub-section with the specified key. The key of the configuration section. The . This method will never return null. If no matching sub-section is found with the specified key, an empty will be returned. Gets the immediate descendant configuration sub-sections. The configuration sub-sections. Returns a that can be used to observe when this configuration is reloaded. IConfigurationBuilder extension methods for the MemoryConfigurationProvider. Adds the memory configuration provider to . The to add to. The . Adds the memory configuration provider to . The to add to. The data to add to memory configuration provider. The . In-memory implementation of Initialize a new instance from the source. The source settings. Add a new key and value pair. The configuration key. The configuration value. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. Represents in-memory data as an . The initial key value configuration pairs. Builds the for this source. The . A A configuration source is not registered. Please register one before setting a value. A configuration source is not registered. Please register one before setting a value.