using System; using UnityEngine; namespace UnityEditor.SettingsManagement.Examples { [Serializable] class FooClass { public int intValue; public string stringValue; public FooClass() { intValue = 42; stringValue = "I'm some text"; } } class MySettingsExamples : EditorWindow { #pragma warning disable 414 // [UserSetting] attribute registers this setting with the UserSettingsProvider so that it can be automatically // shown in the UI. [UserSetting("General Settings", "Days Without Incident")] static MySetting s_NumberOfDaysWithoutIncident = new MySetting("general.daysWithoutIncident", 0, SettingsScope.User); [UserSetting("General Settings", "Favorite Color")] static MySetting s_FavoriteColor = new MySetting("general.favoriteColor", Color.magenta); [UserSetting("General Settings", "Vector2 Field")] static MySetting s_Vector2Value = new MySetting("general.vector2Value", new Vector2(2f, 4f)); [UserSetting("General Settings", "Editor Flags")] static MySetting s_EditorFlags = new MySetting("general.editorFlags", StaticEditorFlags.BatchingStatic); #pragma warning restore 414 // [UserSetting] with no arguments simply registers the key with UserSettingsProvider so that it can be included // in debug views and reset with the options gizmo. Usually this is used in conjunction with [UserSettingsBlock]. [UserSetting] static MySetting s_Foo = new MySetting("", new FooClass(), SettingsScope.Project); [UserSetting] static MySetting s_NumberWithSlider = new MySetting("general.conditionalValue", 5, SettingsScope.Project); // A UserSettingBlock is a callback invoked from the UserSettingsProvider. It allows you to draw more complicated // UI elements without the need to create a new SettingsProvider. Parameters are "category" and "search keywords." // For maximum compatibility, use `SettingsGUILayout` searchable and settings fields to get features like search // and per-setting reset with a context click. [UserSettingBlock("Custom GUI Settings")] static void ConditionalValueGUI(string searchContext) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); s_NumberWithSlider.value = SettingsGUILayout.SettingsSlider("Number With Slider", s_NumberWithSlider, 0, 10, searchContext); var foo = s_Foo.value; using(new SettingsGUILayout.IndentedGroup("Foo Class")) { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); foo.intValue = SettingsGUILayout.SearchableIntField("Int Value", foo.intValue, searchContext); foo.stringValue = SettingsGUILayout.SearchableTextField("String Value", foo.stringValue, searchContext); // Because FooClass is a reference type, we need to apply the changes to the backing repository (SetValue // would also work here). if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) s_Foo.ApplyModifiedProperties(); } SettingsGUILayout.DoResetContextMenuForLastRect(s_Foo); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) MySettingsManager.Save(); } const string k_ColorInstanceFieldKey = "MySettingsExamples.m_ColorField"; // It is also possible to forego the UserSetting wrapper and use a settings instance directly. To register // a setting with the "Reset All" option of UserSettingsProvider, apply the [UserSetting] (or for instance fields [SettingsKey]) attribute. Color m_ColorField; [MenuItem("Window/Show Settings Examples")] static void Init() { GetWindow(); } void OnEnable() { m_ColorField = MySettingsManager.Get(k_ColorInstanceFieldKey); } void OnGUI() { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); m_ColorField = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Color", m_ColorField); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) MySettingsManager.Set(k_ColorInstanceFieldKey, m_ColorField); } } }