System.Composition.Hosting A lightweight composition container that is assembled from specified providers. Creates the composition host with the specified collection of providers. The providers, which contain export descriptions for the parts being composed. The created composition host. Creates the composition host with the specified array of providers. The providers, which contain export descriptions for the parts being composed. The created composition host. Releases the composition host and any globally shared parts. Retrieves the specified export from the composition context. The export to retrieve. When this method returns, contains an instance of the export if available; otherwise, . There are too many exports. if the export was retrieved; otherwise, . The delegate that allows instances of parts and exports to be accessed during composition. The context in which the part or export is being accessed. The operation within which the activation is occurring. The activated part or export. Represents a dependency that a part must have in order to fulfill an . This class is used by the composition engine during initialization to determine whether the composition can be made, and if not, what error to provide. Constructs a placeholder for a missing dependency. ">The contract required by the dependency. A marker used to identify the individual dependency among those on the dependent part. The dependency that acts as a placeholder. Constructs a placeholder for a dependency that has too many supplied values. The contract required by the dependency. A collection of the supplied values. A marker for the dependency. The placeholder dependency. Constructs a dependency on the specified target. The contract required by the dependency. The dependency target. A from another part that this part is dependent on. to indicate that the dependency is a prerequisite that must be satisfied before any exports can be retrieved from the dependent part; otherwise, . A marker used to identify the individual dependency among those on the dependent part. The constructed dependency. Returns the string representation of this object. The string representation of . Gets the contract required by the dependency. The contract required by the dependency. Gets a value indicating whether the dependency is a prerequisite that must be satisfied before any exports can be retrieved from the dependent part. if the dependency is a prerequisite; otherwise, . Gets a marker used to identify the dependency among those on the dependent part. The marker. Gets the export descriptor promise that the dependecy is on. The export descriptor promise. Represents a single composition operation. Specifies an action that can run after all prerequisite part dependencies have been satisfied. The action to run. is . Specifies an action to run after all composition has completed, as indicated by the . The action to run. Releases all locks held during the composition operation. Runs the composition operation starting within the specified lifetime context, driven by the specified activator. The context in which to begin the operation (the operation can flow to the parents of the context if required). The activator that drives the operation. The composed object graph. Allows objects to locate their dependencies. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves all promises for the specified contract. The export key that the promises must supply. A collection of promises for the contract. Resolves dependencies on all implementations of a contract. A tag that describes the dependency site. The contract required by the site. to indicate that the dependency must be satisfied before exports are made available; otherwise, . A collection of resolved dependencies. Resolves a required dependency on one implementation of a contract. A tag that describes the dependency site. The contract required by the site. to indicate that the dependency must be satisfied before exports are made available; otherwise, . The resolved dependency. Resolves an optional dependency on one implementation of a contract. A tag that describes the dependency site. The contract required by the site. to indicate that the dependency must be satisfied before exports are made available; otherwise, . After this method returns, contains the resolved dependency or . if the dependency was resolved; otherwise, . Describes an export of a part known to the composition engine. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates an export descriptor that has the specified activator and metadata. The activator used to retrieve instances of the export. The metadata associated with the export. The created descriptor. Gets the activator used to retrieve instances of the export. The activator. Gets the metadata for the export. A collection of metadata. Represents an export descriptor that an available part can provide. Initializes a new instance of the class. The promised contract. A description of the promise's origin. For example, a part type. if the promise is shared, otherwise . A function that provides the dependencies required to fulfill the promise. A function that provides the promised descriptor. Retrieves the promised descriptor. The descriptor. Returns the string representation of this object. The string representation of this object. Gets the contract fulfilled by this promise. The contract. Gets the dependencies that are required to fulfill this promise. A collection of dependencies. Gets a value that indicates whether the promise is shared. if the promise is shared within some context; otherwise, . Gets a description of where the promise originates (for example, a part type), used to provide readable errors. A description of the promise's origin. Provides the description of an export for a part known to the composition engine. Indicates a lack of dependencies. Indicates a lack of export descriptors. Indicates a lack of metadata. Initializes a new instance of the class. Retrieves promise export descriptors for the specified export key. The export key required by another component. An accessor for the other descriptors in the composition. A collection of promises for new export descriptors. Represents a node in the lifetime tree. Binds the lifetime of a disposable part to this lifetime context. The part. The operation was performed on a disposed object. Generates an identifier that can be used to locate shared part instances. A new unique identifier. Releases the lifetime context and any part instances bound to it. Finds the broadest lifetime context within all of the specified sharing boundaries. The sharing boundary to find a lifetime context within. The broadest lifetime context within all of the specified sharing boundaries. Retrieves a shared part instance with the specified ID, or if the part instance can not be found, creates and shares a part instance using the specified creator within the specified operation. The ID of the shared part. An operation in which to create a part, if necessary. An activator that can activate a new part instance, if necessary. The new or retrieved part. Returns the string representation of this object. The string representation of this object. Retrieves a contract instance from the composition context. The contract. After this method returns, contains the contract instance if available; otherwise, . No export was found for . if the instance was retrieved; otherwise, .