Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions Extension methods for configuration classes./>. Adds a new configuration source. The to add to. Configures the source secrets. The . Shorthand for GetSection("ConnectionStrings")[name]. The configuration. The connection string key. Get the enumeration of key value pairs within the The to enumerate. An enumeration of key value pairs. Get the enumeration of key value pairs within the The to enumerate. If true, the child keys returned will have the current configuration's Path trimmed from the front. An enumeration of key value pairs. Determines whether the section has a or has children Utility methods and constants for manipulating Configuration paths The delimiter ":" used to separate individual keys in a path. Combines path segments into one path. The path segments to combine. The combined path. Combines path segments into one path. The path segments to combine. The combined path. Extracts the last path segment from the path. The path. The last path segment of the path. Extracts the path corresponding to the parent node for a given path. The path. The original path minus the last individual segment found in it. Null if the original path corresponds to a top level node. Represents a set of key/value application configuration properties. Gets or sets a configuration value. The configuration key. The configuration value. Gets a configuration sub-section with the specified key. The key of the configuration section. The . This method will never return null. If no matching sub-section is found with the specified key, an empty will be returned. Gets the immediate descendant configuration sub-sections. The configuration sub-sections. Returns a that can be used to observe when this configuration is reloaded. A . Represents a type used to build application configuration. Gets a key/value collection that can be used to share data between the and the registered s. Gets the sources used to obtain configuration values Adds a new configuration source. The configuration source to add. The same . Builds an with keys and values from the set of sources registered in . An with keys and values from the registered sources. Provides configuration key/values for an application. Tries to get a configuration value for the specified key. The key. The value. True if a value for the specified key was found, otherwise false. Sets a configuration value for the specified key. The key. The value. Returns a change token if this provider supports change tracking, null otherwise. Loads configuration values from the source represented by this . Returns the immediate descendant configuration keys for a given parent path based on this 's data and the set of keys returned by all the preceding s. The child keys returned by the preceding providers for the same parent path. The parent path. The child keys. Represents the root of an hierarchy. Force the configuration values to be reloaded from the underlying s. The s for this configuration. Represents a section of application configuration values. Gets the key this section occupies in its parent. Gets the full path to this section within the . Gets or sets the section value. Represents a source of configuration key/values for an application. Builds the for this source. The . An