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UMotion Manual
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<li class="file"><a href="Lesson2.html">2) Pose Editing</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="Lesson3.html">3) Clip Editor</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="Lesson4.html">4) Curves & Rotation Modes</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="Lesson5.html">5) Config Mode</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="Lesson6.html">6) Export Animations</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="Lesson7.html">7) Root Motion</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="Lesson8.html">8) Animation Events</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="Lesson9.html">9) Pose Mirroring</a></li>
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<li class="file"><a href="ProLesson1.html">1) Importing Animations</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="ProLesson2.html">2) Inverse Kinematics</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="ProLesson3.html">3) Child-Of Constraint</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="ProLesson4.html">4) Custom Properties</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="ProLesson5.html">5) IK Pinning</a></li>
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<li class="file"><a href="InPractice1.html">1) Our First Animation</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="InPractice2.html">2) Editing Animations</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="InPractice3.html">3) Customizing an animation for a RPG</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="InPractice4.html">4) Unity Timeline & Weighted Tangents</a></li>
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<li class="file"><a href="UMotionAPI.html">UMotion API</a></li>
<li class="file"><a href="ExportingAnimationsFAQ.html">Exporting Animations FAQ</a></li>
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<li class="file"><a href="ReleaseNotes.html"><b><u>Release Notes</u></b></a></li>
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<h1 class="headline1" id="">Release Notes</h1><p class="textBlock">This is an overview of all bug fixes and new features of UMotion. The manual version always corresponds to the UMotion software version.</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Version Number Definition</h3><img src="images/VersionDefinition.png" class="image"></img>
<p class="imageText">Version Number Definition</p><table class="themeTable">
<tr class="themeTableRow">
<th class="themeTableHeader">Version Number</th>
<th class="themeTableHeader">Description</th>
<tr class="themeTableRow">
<td class="themeTableCell" style="white-space: nowrap;">Major Version</td>
<td class="themeTableCell">The major version is only incremented for a new generation with major changes.</td>
<tr class="themeTableRow">
<td class="themeTableCell" style="white-space: nowrap;">Minor Version</td>
<td class="themeTableCell">The minor version is incremented every time a new feature was added or changed.</td>
<tr class="themeTableRow">
<td class="themeTableCell" style="white-space: nowrap;">Patch or Beta</td>
<td class="themeTableCell">Determines if this is a patch ("p") or a beta ("b") version. Patch 0 is the initial version release and does not include the "p". </td>
<tr class="themeTableRow">
<td class="themeTableCell" style="white-space: nowrap;">Patch or Beta Version</td>
<td class="themeTableCell">The patch release is incremented with every version that contains only bug fixes or changes to the manual. The patch number always starts with 1.
</br>The beta version is incremented with every change related to the current beta generation (includes bug fixes, new features or changes to the manual). Beta versions are watermarked as "beta" in the Clip Editor and are not available via the Asset Store.</td>
</table></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.29p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a null reference exception that is thrown when a character with a missing script is assigned to the UMotion pose editor and the UMotion callback mechanism is in use.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that importing animation clips from another UMotion project that contains re-ordered animation layers fails.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.29p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that selecting bones is not possible under a specific combination of project settings and 3D character on Mac OSX.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.29p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "Texture ST" property isn't previewed correctly by UMotion's custom property constraint (correct: X, Y ... tiling; Z, W ... offset). Removed "Texture Texel Size" from the selected animatable properties as there seems to be no official Unity API to preview it's changes correctly (and there shouldn't be much practical use to animate this property anyway).</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.29</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added new methods/properties to the UMotion API "ClipEditor" class: DeleteClip(), GetLastKeyFrame(), ImportClips()</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added new methods/properties to the UMotion API "PoseEditor" class: Pivot (get/set), GetAllTransforms(), GetTransformChildCount(), GetTransformChildAt(), GetMirrorTable(), SetTransformIsSelected(), GetTransformIsSelected(), TrySetFkWorldPosition(), TrySetFkWorldRotation(), GetCustomPropertyConstraintNames(), TrySetCustomPropertyConstraintValue(), CopyToOtherSide()</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a "Copy Pose" and "Paste Pose" button to the Pose Editor's "Tools" foldout.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">When the pose editor window is opened but the clip editor window is not opened, a button is now displayed in the pose editor window that opens the clip editor on click.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the FBX export feature doesn't set the "Root Motion Node" setting correctly to "&ltRoot Transform&gt" when the exported animation clip has the root transform selected as root motion node in the Clip Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when importing an animation clip that has a quaternion curve that is missing some keys on one of the components (x, y, z, w).</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a dead link in the "Exporting Animations FAQ".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added descriptions of the new properties/methods to the UMotion API chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a description of the new copy/paste pose buttons to the "Pose Editor/Pose Mode/Tools" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.28p04</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an error message regarding "Arial.ttf" when opening UMotion in Unity 2022.2 alpha.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that in Unity 2022.2 alpha a error dialog is shown that states that the FBX dlls can't be found.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the clip tab in the settings window isn't displayed correctly on Linux.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.28p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the IK setup wizard doesn't extrude the IK pole handle's position when the IK chain contains an in-between joint (auxillary joint) that is at the exact same location as the knee/ellbow joint.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the IK solver doesn't bend correctly when the IK chain contains an in-between joint (auxillary joint) that is at the exact same location as the knee/ellbow joint.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.28p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when "Parallel Asset Import" is enabled, the FBX Exporter displays a "Failed to write FBX importer clip settings! Please contact support." error.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that in Unity 2021.2 and above, the tool assistant window is clipped at the bottom of the scene view window.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that in newer Untiy versions, the text of links turn black once the mouse hovers over them.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that decimal separators in floating point input fields are dependent on the current OS culture. The behaviour should now be in-line with how default Unity float fields work.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the error message "The same Component Properties are defined in multiple Custom Property Constraints:" is shown even though there is only one custom property who's bone/transform isn't locked.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Changed the "No bone/transform selected" text shown in the constraints panel (config mode) to "No bone/transform selected that is part of this rig." to better indicate that something within the current animated character's/object's rig needs to be selected and external objects won't work.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the child-of constraint chapter to clarified that the child-of constraint can only be assigned to joints/transforms that are within the animated character's/object's hierarchy.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.28p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that under certain circumstances, exporting multiple *.anim files at once (export --&gt all) caused Unity 2021.2 and above to stall for several minutes.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that exporting generic/legacy animations doesn't show a progress bar.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that assigning a GameObject that has an inactive parent GameObject doesn't show the "Please activate the GameObject" dialog.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.28</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added new methods/properties to the UMotion API. It is now possible to add custom menu items to the Clip Editor, add custom buttons to the Pose Editor, to modify the bones/transforms local position, rotation and scale, create key frames and more.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an index out of range exception when the root animated game object is assigned to the "Target" field in the IK setup wizard's "Custom IK" section.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added descriptions of the new properties/methods in the "UMotion API" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.27</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a "No (all clips)" option for the "... contains animation data for bones/transforms configured as locked" dialog (clip import).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Properties in the channels view are now displayed as full resolution float values.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">When the UMotion manual was removed from the current Unity project, UMotion now automatically opens the online version of the manual.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when exporting to *.FBX the animation take end time isn't correct in situations where a long animation take is followed by a shorter animation take.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that using undo after opening the IK Setup Wizard doesn't close the window.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that if an IK constraint is used in a muted layer, all the bones affected by that IK constraint are included in the exported animation, even if those bones and the IK constraint are not animated in the active animation layers.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that if a child-of constraint is used in a muted layer, all the bone/transform affected by that child-of constraint is included in the exported animation, even if the bone/transform is not animated in the active animation layers.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.26p07</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a "A Native Collection has not been disposed" error message shown when switching between Untiy editor layouts containing UMotion windows.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Supressed an exception thrown as a result of a Untiy bug in Unity 2021.2. The same bug prevents the tool assistant windows from being displayed in the scene view. Until a fixed Untiy version is available, please either downgrade to 2021.1 or keep using UMotion without the tool assistant windows. Thanks for your understanding.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when exporting to *.anim of type "generic", animated properties are always re-sampled when they have an IK or a child-of constraint setup, even if the constraint isn't actively in-use.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added issue 11 to the "Known Issues" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.26p06</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a null reference exception that is thrown under specific circumstances when trying to modify a timeline animation.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Unity 2021.2 now displays asset post processors in the model import inspector. Fixed that UMotion's asset post processor (used by the FBX export feature) is shown with a weird name.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.26p05</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when using "Select All" (to select all bones) and then pressing "Set FK To IK" the FK bones are rotated in a wrong way.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.26p04</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that in newer versions of Unity 2019.4, the buttons in the mirror mapping dialog don't line up with the names of the mirror mapped bones/transforms.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.26p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that in Unity 2020.2 and above, the buttons in the mirror mapping dialog don't line up with the names of the mirror mapped bones/transforms.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.26p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Regression: Fixed that it is not possible to save a new UMotion project file in a folder that has just been created inside the "save file dialog".</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.26p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when executing the IK setup wizard but the animated character has transforms named exactly like the IK handles that are created by the wizard.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that opening or saving project files and importing or exporting animation clips within local embedded unity packages is not possible.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "Root Transform Position (XZ)" isn't set to "Original" by default for exported humanoid animation clips. Thus the root motion offsets authored in UMotion aren't played by the Unity animator by default.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when exporting a humanoid animation clip, "Root Transform Rotation" is always set to "Original" thus overriding any user inteded change of this setting. Now this setting is only set to original when exporting the animation for the first time, and then isn't touched anymore.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.26</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Changed the default value of the "Animator Foot/Hand IK" setting in the clip import settings to OFF. This change was introduced to be in-line with Unity's Animator default value for Foot IK (OFF). Please note that in Unity Timeline, Foot IK is ON by default! The new default value is automatically used by all new UMotion project files.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Changed the default value of the FBX export write mode to "Update Existing File".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added info texts to the export settings dialog that are answering some of the most commonly asked support requests.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">It is now possible to add an empty GameObject to the hierarchy of your animated 3D model in Unity and name it the same as a custom transform in your UMotion Project (e.g. "IK_Hand_R"). When assigning the 3D model to the pose editor, UMotion is automatically going to ask if it should convert the custom transform defined in the UMotion project to the existing one. This is useful when the IK handle positions/rotations should also be included in the exported animation.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when assigning a character to the pose editor, in some special cases the error message "Editing the hierachy of a GameObject that is currently used as UMotion preview object is not allowed." is shown.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that copy and pasting keys from one animated property to another only copied the X component.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.25p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the docked clip editor window can't be resized in Unity 2021.2.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a null reference exception when switching from config mode to pose mode and there are at least two custom property constraints in "component property" mode that have nothing assigned to the "object" field.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.25p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed wrong position/rotation offsets when syncing with Unity Timeline.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.25p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown as soon as the UMotion clip editor window is opened in Unity 2021.2.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "Close" button is only partly visible in the settings window in Unity 2020.2 or higher.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that a script update dialog shows up when installing UMotion in Unity 2021.2 or higher.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.25</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The pivot rotation (local/global) is now synchronized between Unity and UMotion.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Keying the parent channel/IK pinning channel now only creates additional keys (at current frame - 1) if the parent/IK pinning state actually changed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The button "Camera Follow Selected" was added to the selection category of the pose editor. Pressing this button lets the scene view camera follow a bone/transform (very useful for previewing root motion animations).</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "edit key" window (in the curves view) automatically closes as soon as an input field is selected (regression introduced in V1.22p11).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when manually adjusting an euler rotation value in the channels view (e.g. adding +360°), the value modified as soon as it was keyed to be the shortest path rotation instead (discarding the extra 360° rotation). When typing a value manually, the expected behaviour would be to key exactly the value that was previously typed in.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a description of the "Camera Follow Selected" button to the "Pose Editor --&gt Pose Mode --&gt Selection" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.24p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an "invalid cast exception" that is thrown under specific situations when selecting a bone/transform via a bone/transform selection field's selection dialog.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed the "Look rotation viewing vector is zero" log message that is logged when an IK target is on the same position as the IK handle.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.24</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "frame view" functionality of the clip editor was improved. Furthermore it can now also be used in the dopesheet.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "frame view" functionality now has a default shortcut assigned (SHIFT + F). For existing UMotion installations it is required to set the shortcut manually via the Edit --&gt Preferences window in the clip editor window.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that browsing for a destination file in the settings window (i.e. clicking on "...") doesn't show the previous selected folder.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that selecting a GameObject for the Pose Editor doesn't work on Mac OS when doen via the selection dialog (shown when the white circle is pressed).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that UMotion isn't displaying the new rotation handle in Unity 2020.2 correctly (not all lines have the correct thickness).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that root motion isn't previewed correctly when there is a rotated parent GameObject.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed wrong information regarding generic bones in humanoid projects in chapter "Pose Editor/Config Mode/Configuration".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Removed a dead link from the "UMotion In Practice - Our First Animation (FPS)" video description.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a description of the "Frame View" context menu entry to the "Clip Editor --&gt Dopesheet / Curves View" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.23</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the FBX SDK to 2020.0.1. This thus adds compatibility with FBX files created with FBX version 2020.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The Mac version of UMotion now uses a the same custom FBX library as the windows version of UMotion. This solves the random crashes that the old library had and also adds feature parity between the Mac and Windows version.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Dropped support for FBX export on Windows 32-bit. Use a Windows 64-bit PC instead.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Exporting animation clips can now be aborted.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Decreased the lowest zoom limit in the dopesheet/curves view so that a whole animation with 1-2 minutes of length can be displayed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The constraints panel now displays a hint in case no bone/transform is selected.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The name of the "Apply Reference Pose" button is now switched to "Apply Zero Offset Pose" when the current layer is an additive layer to better indicate the buttons functionality in this case.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">When the "Set FK to IK" button is pressed when an IK handle is selected, all FK bones of the corresponding IK chain are now automatically manipulated. It is thus not needed to select every bone manually.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The context menu of the channels view now has a new menu item "Zero Property". This is especially useful to reset quaternion based rotations (of which the channel values can't be edited directly).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Double clicking an animated property (in the animated properties list) now selects all keys of this property.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The display controls are not disabled anymore while an active animation playback.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">It is now possible to assign shortcuts to the clear/copy/paste menu items of the tool assistant windows.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Reworked the error message that is shown when a generic animation is imported that is not compatible with the current animated GameObject.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Animation events now show an enum popup when the selected function's parameter type is an enum.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Improved the open and save file dialog windows. This dialog windows now remember the last selected location so that when you want all your UMotion projects in one specific folder, the file dialogs always defaults to that folder.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that word wrap is not enabled for the description in the mirror mapping dialog window.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a null reference exception that is thrown when importing an animation clip with the "Convert FK to IK" and "Delete FK keys" settings beeing enabled when the current UMotion project contains an IK constraint with the target object field being null.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "Close" button was only partly visible in the settings window on Mac.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an error message "Cancelling Display Dialog : This should not be called when a View's DrawRect Method is in progress." shown when trying to open the clip editor but UMotion misses some resources.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the OK button was only partly visible in the preference's window's settings tab on Mac.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">All manual pages are now in the root folder of the manual. This solves an issue with Safari not displaying sub pages correctly.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a description of the new "Zero Property" menu item to the "Pose Editor-&gt Pose Mode -&gt Channels" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a description of the new enum popup feature for animation events to the "Clip Editor -&gt Dopesheet / Curves View -&gt Dopesheet" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p14</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the about window is automatically closed when it looses focus.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown in Unity 2020.2 when the "Sync" button is pressed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is sometimes thrown in Unity 2020.1 when opening the about or the settings window.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed unpleasant font in the UMotion editor windows in Unity 2020.2.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that dragging a single animation clip that is a child of an fbx asset into the animation clip import window causes all animation clips of the fbx asset to be loaded into the import window.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that it was possible to enter clip names that contain only whitespaces (in the create new clip name dialog and in the clip settings dialog).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that it was possible to enter layer names that contain only whitespaces.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that empty clip names or clip names that contain only whitespaces are displayed as separator lines in the animation clip selection popup.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p13</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown in Untiy 2020.1 when the menu item "Window / UMotion Editor / Restart UMotion" is clicked.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p12</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that exceptions thrown in the "OnDestroy()" Unity event by custom component scripts assigned to a character that is animated with UMotion are falsely detected as UMotion exceptions thus showing the "Ups! UMotion just detected an unhandled exception." dialog.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p11</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when currently editing a key in curve mode and then switching to another clip.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when dragging a character to the pose editor that is missing a transform that is used as IK pole target by the current UMotion project.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p10</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when "Auto Key" is set to "Generate", keyframes are accidentally being generated when exporting or switching to a generic animation that currently has a selected additive layer.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a null reference exception thrown by the child-of constraint when the parent transform is not present in the game object assigned to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p09</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the animation import window doesn't rename same named animation clips in case the fbx files that contain the clips have different names.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the eyes of Unity's "DefaultAvatar" character aren't exported correclty (because the scale pivot was not considered) when exporting in "Update Existing File" mode.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when opening a UMotion project that wasn't saved to disk since it's creation because Unity crashed before save was pressed for the first time after the creation of the new UMotion project.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p08</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when synchronizing UMotion with a Unity Timeline sequence that has an activation track for the character that is currently edited, two versions of that character are displayed.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p07</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed two null-reference exceptions that are thrown when Camera.current is null.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p06</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that selecting bones/transforms in the scene view isn't always working correctly when the animated GameObject has a parent GameObject with a Rigidbody component attached.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p05</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown by the undo/redo system under certian circumstances.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p04</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">In case UMotion can't find Unity's main window, it uses the screen resolution to center dialog windows now.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a null reference exception that appears in Unity 2018.4 when the "Unity Recorder" package is installed, a clip is selected in Unity Timeline and "Sync" is clicked in the Clip Editor.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that clicking on the remove all animation layers button doesn't remove the keys of those layers. Creating a new animation layer afterwards thus contains the old keys.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when adding an animation clip to the import dialog and more than 10 transforms of that animation clip do not exist in this project, the clip can not be imported.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Selecting bones/transforms isn't possible when Pro Builder is not in object selection mode. As a consequence, UMotion now automatically sets Pro Builder into object selection mode whenever a UMotion bone is selected.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.22</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Holding <span class="keyboardKey">Alt</span> while clicking on a constraint's foldout arrow (in Config Mode) now folds/unfolds all constraints.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The name of a "Custom Property Constraint" is now used as its title in the Config Mode constraint panel. This makes it easier to seek for custom properties even when they are folded.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">It is now possible to assign the value of a setting of a "Custom Property Constraint" to all currently selected custom properties (in Config Mode).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">"Custom Properties" are now automatically folded in the Config Mode constraint panel. This increases performance when huge number of custom properties are used.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "Custom Property" constraint setup isn't displayed correctly in the Pose Editor when the Pose Editor's vertical scroll bar is visible.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a hint to the "Config Mod / Configuration" chapter describing how to fold/unfold all constraints at once.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a hint to the "Custom Property" chapter regarding mass apply of settings.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.21p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that switching the animation layer samples the current pose incorrectly if the animation contains a custom property in controller mode.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.21</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Changing the framerate of an animation clip doesn't automatically scale the keys/events anymore (this gives the user more flexibility/choices). Keys/events can be manually scaled using the box tool in the dopesheet view.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">When creating a new layer, the layer name text field is now automatically selected.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">A new button was added to the playback navigation that allows toggling the playback stop behavior (i.e. return frame cursor to start or keep current position).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Changed default shortcut of "Focus Camera" to <span class="keyboardKey">F</span> (same is in Unity).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">When no UMotion project is loaded, an info message is now shown that indicates that a project can be opened via the "File" menu.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The animation layers are now accessible via the UMotion API. This makes it easy to write a custom script that exports the same animation clip several times with different animation layers being active.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the shortcuts of the playback settings add their changes to the undo stack while pressing the corresponding UI button don't.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that *.FBX export only works correctly when the base layer is selected.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that assigning a GameObject to the Pose Editor while in prefab mode is not prevented.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Clip Editor/Main Navigation/Clip Settings" chapter related to the changed framerate editing behavior.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Clip Editor/Playback Navigation" chapter based on the new button that has been added to the playback navigation area.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "UMotion API" chapter based on the added functionalities.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.20p08</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that animation curves of a generic animation where the left tangent of the first key or the right tangent of the last key is set to "weighted" isn't played by Unity's animation system.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.20p07</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Regression: Fixed that moving the frame cursor (green arrow) directly after playback stopped (due to reaching the end) doesn't update the pose of the character.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.20p06</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "toggle IK Pinning" shortcut (<span class="keyboardKey">I</span>) isn't disabled in additive animation layers.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that "Auto Key" and "IK Pinning" doesn't work after animation playback finished due to reaching the end (and not moving the frame cursor in the meantime).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that undoing the creation of a rotation key in an additive layer causes the pose to be sampled incorrectly when switing back to the base layer.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that restarting UMotion while any script in the current Unity project has a syntax/compilation error keeps the "Reloading Assemblies" dialog opened.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that sometimes an error message "Unable to resolve reference " is displayed when importing UMotion for the first time (or in some cases when starting Unity).</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.20p05</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that curve of the CustomPropertyConstraint in "Animator Paramameter" mode isn't exported with normalized frame times when exporting as *.FBX.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.20p04</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the CustomPropertyConstraint doesn't preview animated material properties.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when the CustomPropertyConstraint animates the "GameObject.SetActive" property it doesn't reset it to it's default value when switching to Config Mode.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.20p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Regression: Fixed an exception that is thrown when opening a custom Unity editor layout that contains UMotion windows.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that UMotion automatically saves all files to disk (and not letting Unity decide when to write changes to disk). This works around a Unity bug that freezes Untiy on Mac OS and Linux when the Unity preferences setting "Verify Save Assets" is enabled and UMotion is opened.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that FBX exporter exports animated properties even if they are disabled (Config Mode) or have no key frames.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Regression: Fixed that when selecting multiple keys in the Dopesheet they get immediately deselected if the property (e.g. rotation) of the last selected key is not enabled on the bone/transform of the first selected key.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Regression: Fixed that an animated property stays selected when it is disabled.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Regression: Fixed that selected properties/keys in the Clip Editor are deselected when any other UI control (e.g. button, text box,...) is clicked.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.20p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Regression: Fixed an exception that is thrown when using a tool assistant window while pivot is set to "global".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that keypad enter can't be used to confirm changes of input fields.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that typing a value into a tool assistant window and selecting a different bone applied the changed value to that bone.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.20p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Regression: Fixed that bones/transforms get deselected whenever a key is created (either manually or via "Auto Key").</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an endless loop when a GameObject is assigned to the Pose Editor that doesn't contain all bones/transforms defined in the UMotion project.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that transforms with spherical shape had a box shaped collider.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that bone/transform colliders aren't at the correct position when using UMotion in (paused) play mode.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that frame cursor doesn't return to the start position after playback stopped.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that minimizing the maximized Clip Editor closed the current UMotion project.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.20</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Selecting keys in the dopesheet now automatically selects the related animated property and the related bone/transform.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Copy & paste reworked: It's now possible to copy & paste between compatible animated properties.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Key context menu entry "Select in Scene View" renamed to "Select and Set Frame Cursor".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">New minimum requirement for UMotion is Unity 2017.4 (or higher).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">UMotion now uses assembly definition files for all *.cs files. If desired, UMotion can thus now be placed inside a "Plugins" folder.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Channels that are not allowed to contain keys in an additive layer are now greyed out in the Animated Properties List.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">UMotion isn't installed to the "Editor Default Resources" folder anymore.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the Child-Of constraint doesn't correctly calculate the position/rotation when the animated character is scaled.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that "select all" in curves view selectes also keys of curves that are hidden (via the eye symbol in the animated properties list).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that hiding a curve in curves view via the eye symbol in the animated properties list, doesn't deselect selected keys of that curve.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the tool assistant window isn't correctly displayed in the scene view when "Aura 2" asset is installed in the Unity project.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the move tool doesn't allow moving the hips and the IK pinned legs simultaneously.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the label in the animation event function search window was truncated.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that it was possible to add keys to channels that are not allowed to contain keys in an additive layer (e.g. the Child-Of Parent channel).</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated "Dopesheet / Curves View" chapter based on the changed context entry menu.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Changed minimum required Unity version to 2017.4 on first page of manual.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Removed known issues that are related to Unity versions older than 2017.4.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the UMotion folder description in the "Getting Started" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.19p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that custom joints/transforms (like the IK handles) are displayed with the wrong size if a Unity UI canvas is within the GameObject's hierarchy.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that right-click on key then clicking on "Left Tangent --&gt Constant" automatically sets the right tangent to constant, too. The expected behavior would be that the right tangent is set to "free" instead.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an error message that is shown when the "Sync" button is clicked when the "Unity Recorder" package is installed in Unity 2018.4.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that quaternion rotation curves of generic animation clips aren't exported correctly if the last scale curve in the animation has no key.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.19p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that in some cases animated characters got invisible in the scene view.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when UMotion is installed without the UMotion manual.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.19p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Experimental: Setting to instruct UMotion to directly create root motion curves for humanoid *.anim files.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that control is used instead of command for shortcuts and various other actions (like multi-selecting) on Mac.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the delete shortcut doesn't work on Mac.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed the naming of the shortcut modifiers in the preferences window on Mac.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that sometimes the dopesheet is zoomed while the animated properties list is scrolled via the touchpad on Mac.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added descriptions of the new root motion settings in the "Clip Settings" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.19</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">All input fields now support mathematical expressions (e.g. "5+4").</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The position/rotation/scale properties of generic bones can now be enabled/disabled in config mode. This is useuful for reducing the number of animated properties displayed in the Clip Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The IK Setup Wizard now automatically hides the scale properties of the IK Handle and the IK Pole Handle.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the keys of the IK pole rotation property contribute to the total clip length even though the pole rotation property isn't used (because a pole target is used instead).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the playback end cursor (white arrow) was reset to the clip end when switching clips.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when exporting an animation with a custom component property where the related component is missing.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a typo in the "UMotion API" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a description of the new "Properties" setting to the "Pose Editor/Config Mode/Configuration" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.18p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when copying an euler rotation key to a quaternion rotation property or the other way around.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when importing a umotion project that contains animation layers into another umotion project.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when importing an animation clip and a custom property constraint is used.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a workaround for a Unity GUI bug that causes an exception under specific circumstances when the rotation tool assistant window is shown.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">UMotion now ignores an exception that is thrown by 3rd party code when UMotion changes the Unity editor's playmode.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.18</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">All scriptable render pipelines (LWRP, HDRP, custom SRP) are now officially supported.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added an official UMotion scripting API.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Improved the behaviour when copying & pasting rotation keys from one clip to the other when the clips use different rotation modes.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an incompatibility issue with Bolt 2.0.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when a GameObject with bones/transforms that contains slashes in their names has been added to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that an inactive GameObject that is assigned to the Pose Editor is deleted.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that exporting an FBX fails if the animated GameObject's root has one direct child with the exact same name as the root.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the "UMotion API" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.17p06</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that enabling IK Pinning rotated the IK target in a wrong way in case the character's root is rotated.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the global move tool assistant doesn't work correctly when moving a transform that is controlled by a Child-Of constraint.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.17p05</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Reverted the fix applied in V1.17p04 regarding the offset of the "UMotion Lock" hierarchy label as the problem has been fixed in Unity 2019.1.1f1 and higher.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that applying a GameObject to the Pose Editor causes the whole screen to get black when HDRP is used. Rendering will still appear darker then it should, this is caused by a Unity bug and has been reported to Unity.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.17p04</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when a GameObject is assigned to the Pose Editor in Unity 2019.1 when HDRP is used.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when using the rect selection to select a master key, read-only key are also selected.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that pressing "Space" in the Clip Editor in Unity 2019.1 opened the Clip selection popup instead of exectuing the shortcut assigned to "Space".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "UMotion Lock" hierarchy label has an offset in Unity 2019.1.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.17p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed rig rendering when HDRP/LWRP are used.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an error message that is shown when clicking the clear button in the Pose Editor when HDRP is used.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown under specific circumstances when a GameObject is applied to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Catched an exception that is thrown under specific circumstances when clicking the "Sync" button and replaced it with an error message.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added "IK pinned hand/foot jitter's in the exported animation" to the "Exporting Animations FAQ".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the video "Episode 3: Customizing an animation for a RPG" to the "Video Tutorials" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the video "Episode 4: Unity Timeline & Weighted Tangents" to the "Video Tutorials" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.17p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a regression (introduced in V1.16p03) that caused scaled GameObjects to offset their position when they are applied to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.17p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that rotation continuity wasn't always ensured when exporting an animation clip as humanoid *.anim.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Exceptions that are thrown by any non UMotion script in the OnProjectChanged() callback while UMotion imports an animation are ignored now.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when a component property that is animated in the current UMotion project is removed from the component's script.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Exceptions that are thrown by any non UMotion script in the OnDisabled() callback when UMotion is removing a GameObject from the Pose Editor are ignored now.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when an animation clip is imported that contains a humanoid property with no key frames.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the curve editor's context menu item "Edit Key" could be clicked (and thus lead to an exception) when an event was selected but no key.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that data that is re-created by undo/redo still has it's old event listeners registered.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Ignores exceptions that are thrown by other scripts when AssetImporter.SaveAndReimport() is called when importing animations into UMotion.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.17</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Clearing a GameObject from the Pose Editor but keeping the current pose in scene is now possible by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the "Clear" button.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Reworked the GameObject locking mechanism ("UMotion Lock") to better incoperate with Unity's new prefab workflow (introduced in Unity 2018.3).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">When syncing UMotion with Unity Timeline, the animated GameObject isn't temporarly removed from Unity Timeline anymore.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">It is not possible to create a prefab of a GameObject that is locked by UMotion anymore.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when a GameObject that is a child in new prefab (Unity 2018.3 or above) is applied to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when Unity is started and the project contains a prefab with a UMotionLock component.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the FBX exporter doesn't export the clip settings correctly (e.g. loop, start frame, end frame,...).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that modal windows aren't automatically closed when the parent window is closed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when clicking on the File menu (Clip Editor) and there are backup files with an invalid name in the backup directory.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">"Unity Timeline Integration" chapter: Updated text to indicate that GameObjects aren't removed from Timeline anymore.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Pose Editor" chapter based on the latest implementation changes.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.16p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when an *.FBX file is exported again by UMotion the Animator Controller looses the reference to animation clips contained in that *.FBX file.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a regression (introduced in V1.16p02) causing IK on generic bones to not beeing exported to *.anim correctly.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that UMotion's animation preview doesn't preview the root position of a generic animation correctly if the root transform is scaled.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the interpolation of rotation curves of generic animations is slightly different when exported to *.anim (than in UMotion).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that euler/quaternion continuity for generic bones that used multiple layers or constraints wasn't ensured when exported to *.anim.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed wrong method name in GUICompatibilityUtility.cs.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when a corrupted humanoid character is applied to the pose editor.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.16p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that rotation curves of a generic animation aren't exported correctly to *.anim when an IK constraint is applied to a sibling or a parent in the hierarchy.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception when clicking on "OK" in the "Add Mirror Mapping" dialog when the "Mirror Mapping" dialog has already been closed.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.16p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed compile errors in Unity 2019.1 when the Unity Timeline package isn't installed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">A broken animation clip can now be detected and automatically deleted to prevent exceptions caused by that clip.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The animation export now skips animation clips that are faulty instead of generating unhandled exceptions.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the *.FBX exporter on Mac OS exports wrong values for rotation curves under some circumstances.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that auto key ("generate") creates keys when keys are dragged in the Dopesheet.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Changed all materials in the example scene to use an "Unlit" shader so that they are displayed correctly across each render pipeline.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.16</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Line numbers are now displayed in exception stack traces.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a warning messages to the animation importer when a bone/transform that is animated in the imported animation is locked in the UMotion project. Furthermore a dialog appears that asks if the locked bones/transforms should be automatically re-configured to show the animation.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Improved the text that is displayed in the "Channels" section of the Pose Editor when a locked bone/transform is selected.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added helping links to the export settings and the export log window that refer to the "Exporting Animations FAQ".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a warning dialog when a GameObject is assigned to the Pose Editor for the first time and bones/transforms have duplicate names.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added an error message when exporting *.fbx animations and duplicate names are found in bones/transforms.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a "Tip" to the clip import dialog regarding humanoid animator IK.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that UMotion windows are closed everytime Unity is opened (happens only in HDRP projects).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that a script with an obfuscated name is shown in the "Add Component" menu.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the description in the "Key Dialog" window is cut off.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that UMotion thinks it crashed if a 3rd party script throws an exception in "MonoBehaviour.OnValidate()".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that some special operations (e.g. deleting only a single key and then closing the project) don't set the umotion project dirty thus are not stored.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a new chapter "Exporting Animations FAQ". Helps troubleshooting issues related to exporting animations.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.15p04</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the camera isn't rendered correctly when a character is applied to the pose editor due to HD render pipeline's fog.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that it's not possible to assign a shortcut to "Frame View" (Curves).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a crash when trying to create a "Custom IK" chain with the IK Setup Wizard when the target bone is locked.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.15p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed wrong text rendering in all UMotion windows when UMotion is used together with Unity's new editor skin.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when the IK handel's parent is set to be the IK target and the operation is undone and then redone.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a compile error when using UMotion in Unity 2019.1.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.15p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that continuity was not ensured for quaternion curves of exported *.anim files.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a crash that appears when the curves view is opened, selection syncing between Pose and Clip Editor is enabled and the opened animation clip is deleted.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a crash that can appear on Linux/Mac OS under certain circumstances when UMotion is opened/reloaded after an assembly reload.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a crash that appears under certain circumstances when pressing the "Cleanup" button in Config Mode and selection syncing is enabled.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.15p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when having multiple keys selected in the Curves View, editing their value via the "Edit Keys" context menu and then scaling the keys via the rect tool before the "Edit Keys" dialog is closed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when right clicking in the Curves View when no animated property is selected.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that UMotion accidentally thinks that it crashed when other assets throw an exception in OnWillSaveAssets() while UMotion is restoring the animation compression setting while importing an animation clip.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when the synchronized selection is enabled, the curve view displays a curve even though no animated property is selected anymore.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.15</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a new button "↔ Clip Editor" to the Selection section in the Pose Editor. When enabled, the selection of the Pose Editor and of the Clip Editor is synchronized. This mode is enabled by default.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a new menu item "Select Property Keys in Clip Editor" to the context menu of the Channels section in the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a new menu item "Select All keys" to the contex menu of the Animated Properties List.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Selecting a property in the Animated Properties List in the Clip Editor, doesn't select all keys of that property anymore.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Generic animation clips exported as *.anim now show the root motion settings in the Inspector.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Vertex weight visualization has been removed due to incompatibility with newer Unity versions.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a "duplicate clip" button to the Clip Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Decreased the space required by the Playback Navigation bar in order to ensure that all buttons are visible even on small screens.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a "Select In Scene" menu item to the Dopesheet/Curves View context menu. Can also be triggered by holding alt while selecting a key.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a context menu to the time ruler. Can be used to set the playback start/end frame.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a "Crop" feature that allows cropping whole animation clips. The start/end frame is defined by the playback start/end frame. The feature can be reached via "Edit / Crop to Playback" or via the context menu in the Dopesheet/Curves View.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a "Reverse" feature that allows reversing selected keys of an animation clip. The feature can be reached via "Edit / Reverse" or via the context menu in the Dopesheet/Curves View.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the last selected clip name is displayed in the popup button of the Clip Editor even if the project is already closed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the tangent mode of keys of generic animation clips wasn't exported correctly in Unity 5.5 and Unity 5.6.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the rect tool handles aren't calculated correctly when child-of keys are selected.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that reversing the child-of constraint via the rect tool isn't reversing the constant interpolated curve correctly.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when an IK driven bone is selected in the IK rig layer, tools manipulated the corresponding FK bone. The tool should do nothing instead.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a description of the new button in the Selection chapter of the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the description of the context menu in the Channels chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the description of the context menu in the Animated Properties List chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Removed the descriptions related to the vertex weight visualization from the "Pose Editor -&gt Options" and "Pose Editor -&gt Display" chapters.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a description of the new "duplicate clip" button to the "Clip Editor -&gt Main Navigation" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the screenshots in the "Clip Editor" and "Clip Editor -&gt Playback Navigation" chapters.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added descriptions for the new menu items in the "Clip Editor -&gt Menu Bar -&gt Edit" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added descriptions for the new menu items in the "Clip Editor -&gt Dopesheet / Curves View" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.14p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that white boxes randomly appeared on some PCs as soon a character is assigned to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the text in the Shortcut Binding Dialog has no word wrap.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that euler continuity wasn't ensured when using "Copy To Other Side" in combination with "Auto Key".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that transforms that don't exist in an *.FBX file that is updated by the exporter cause an error message even if their visibility is set to "Locked" in UMotion.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a compile error in Untiy 2018.3 and added support for the new "ApplySceneOffsets" mode in Unity Timeline's animation tracks.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the FBX exporter exported events on the wrong frame position.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.14</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The Auto/Clamped Auto tangent mode has been reworked. In case the clip is looped, it now calculates the tangents of the first and last key in such a way that they interpolate seamlessly.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Improved the wording of the \"This clip is not compatible with this project.\" error message shown when importing a generic animation that uses an incompatible rig.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a crash that appears when importing a clip from a umotion project with a child-of curve that has no parent selected into an existing umotion project.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a GUI related crash that can appear under very specific circumstances.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a crash in Unity 2018.2 when synchronized with Unity Timeline and playback is stopped.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that *.anim export always exported clips at 60 fps in Unity 2018.2.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Playback Navigation", "Clip Settings" and "Dopesheet / Curves View" chapters based on the changes of the Auto/Clamped Auto tangent mode.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.13p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the text in the "Calibrate Character Front" (IK Setup Wizard) window was truncated.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when exporting an animation clip that has invalid characters in it's name.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when the FBX SDK dll wasn't updated correctly when installing a UMotion update.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown under very specific circumstances when clearing the animated GameObject from the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Implemented a workaround for the "TypeLoadExcpetion" that is thrown every time when Unity 2018.2 is opened.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Implemented a workaround for the GUI textures beeing randomly unloaded by Unity 2018.2.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that appears under specific circumstances when enabling vertex weight rendering.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when "Cleanup" is pressed and IK chain members are thus removed.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.13p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed GUID conflicts.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.13</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The *.fbx file scale can now be defined in the export settings.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Export to FBX is now also supported on Mac OSX.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The dopesheet context menu now also displays the "Add keys To All Properties" item when a master key or an animation event was clicked.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The context menu that is used to switch between animation clips is now sorted alphabetically.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when the About Dialog is opened.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when exporting a *.fbx animation and the defined export directory does not exist.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the total *.fbx file grows with each export when updating an existing *.fbx file.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the framerate isn't correctly exported when exporting as *.fbx.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that root motion isn't previewed correctly when the animated character is scaled.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that can occur under specific circumstances when clicking on the "Calibrate Character Front" button in the IK setup wizard.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that can occur under specific circumstances when creating a humanoid IK rig using the IK setup wizard.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when exporting a clip that has a custom property in "component property" mode with no GameObject assigned.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when pressing <span class="keyboardKey">CTRL</span> + <span class="keyboardKey">D</span> while dragging keys in the Clip Editor.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a description of the "File Scale" property in the "Clip Editor / Main Navigation / Project Settings" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Import/Export" chapter based on the latest changes.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.12p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when opening a umotion project that has keys at frames below 0.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Installed a workaround for a bug in Unity 2018.2 that causes most GUI labels to be displayed incorrectly.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Installed a workaround for a bug in Unity 2018.2 that causes the colliders of the bones not to update.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a few exceptions that are thrown under very specific circumstances by the GUI system.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.12p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when the Child-Of Parent (or IK Pinning) property is changed, existing keys are not updated correctly.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown in various scenarios when using a Child-Of (IK Pinning) constraint.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown in some specific scenarios when creating keys via the key selected dialog.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that can occur on Mac OS when the Clip Editor window is opened.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that can be thrown under specific circumstances when a project is closed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that can be thrown under specific circumstances when a project is imported.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.12p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when deleting two animation clips in sequence while the curves view is visible.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when undoing the creation of a new project (when another project was previously opened).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Undoing/redoing switching between UMotion projects is not supported anymore as there a various cornern cases that can cause exceptions.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a video tutorial chapter for tutorials created by the Youtuber "Jayanam".</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.12</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The core architecture was reworked in order to gain major performance improvements (especially when editing large animation clips).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Support for Unity 5.4 is deprecated. Please use Unity 5.5 or higher or keep using UMotion V1.11p02.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "&lt;unity-project&gt;/UMotionAutoBackups" folder was moved to "&lt;unity-project&gt;/UMotionData/AutoBackups".</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exceptions that is thrown on Mac OS when a UMotion dialog window is opened.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that "File Format Changed" dialog is not shown when UMotion automatically openes the last used project.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that "File Format Changed" dialog is not shown when opening a project via the "Recently Opened Projects" menu item.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed error messages that appear in the Unity Console regarding an invalid scale being assigned.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an endless loop when opening the curves view when the whole animation only has keys at the first frame.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Removed the description of known issue related to Unity versions that aren't supported anymore.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.11p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that all tangents instead of only the selected ones are inverted when applying a negative scale with the box tool.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that free tangents aren't inverted correctly by the box tool.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown clicking on an animated property using <span class="keyboardKey">ALT</span> + <span class="keyboardKey">Left Mouse Button</span> and no GameObject is assigned to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when a GameObject that is currently locked by UMotion is duplicated (by duplicating a parent transform of it) as soon as "Clear" is pressed in the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a potential exception that can occure when dragging keys over existing keys.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when exporting in "Update existing FBX mode" and the FBX file that should be updated has been deleted.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when exporting an animation clip and a constraint dependency loop is detected.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed various exceptions that appear when bones in an IK chain do not exist in the current animated GameObject.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.11p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "Quick Start Tutorial" is now shown in the welcome screen.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that tangent properties aren't inverted when keys are inverted using the box tool.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Ignoring an exception that is caused by a Unity bug in 2018.2.0 when AssetDatabase.Refresh() is called.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a null reference exception that appears under specific circumstances when editing an animation clip of a Unity Timeline sequence.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a null reference exception that appears under specific circumstances when using the IK Setup Wizard.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the rotation tool assistant window width is too small in some specific situtations.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the clip name of an animation clip that is exported for the first time isn't displayed in the title of the export progress bar dialog.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a "Quick Start Tutorial" to the Video Tutorials chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.11</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added FBX export functionality.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added export settings to the project settings window. The export settings can also be reached via "File / Export / Export Settings".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added Autodesk® FBX® copyright notice to "About" window.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Reduced the time consumed for exporting a humanoid animation that uses IK by 50%.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The export process now displays progress bars.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "Unapplied Modifications" dialog displayed when switching from Config Mode to Pose Mode now offers an option to directly save the referenc pose.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Improved the Curves View: Curves now correctly preview how they behave after the clips last frame (loop, root motion).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added box editing tool to the Clip Editor: Provides easy scaling of keys and events.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added "ripple" mode when dragging or scaling keys/events (activated by holding <span class="keyboardKey">R</span>).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Improved the Rotation Tool Assistant.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when pressing the "Focus Camera" shortcut in some specific scenarios.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when all IK chain members are masked and the IK target's visibility is set to "locked".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown in Pose Mode when all IK chain members of an IK constraint are masked.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added Autodesk® FBX® copyright notice to "Credits" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added Eigen copyright notice to "Credits" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated "Clip Editor / Main Navigation / Project Settings" chapter based on latest implementation changes.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated "Clip Editor / Import/Export" chapter based on latest implementation changes.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated "Pose Editor / Tool Assistant" chapter based on latest implementation changes.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.10p04</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when importing an *.anim file that has key frames with invalid tangent modes.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown under very specific conditions when assigning a humanoid GameObject to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown under very specific conditions when pressing <span class="keyboardKey">Tab</span> (= switch edit mode shortcut) when no preview object is selected in the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Improved exception handling so that other assets that throw exceptions in events like OnProjectChange() don't break UMotion's functionality.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed exceptions that are thrown when AssetDatabase methods issue a nested OnGUI call.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.10p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when clicking on "Window --&gt UMotion Editor --&gt Manual" when the Clip Editor is not opened.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when clicking on "Window --&gt UMotion Editor --&gt Video Tutorials" when the Clip Editor is not opened.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown by the rotation tool assistant under very specific circumstances.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when undo is performed after the UMotion project file was deleted.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that UMotion windows are closed when restarting UMotion (regression V1.10p02).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown undoing the deletion of a Custom Property constraint, changing the mode then delete the Custom Property constraint again.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that undoing the deletion of a Custom Property Constraint, the error dialog "Empty name not allowed" is displayed every time the mode is changed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when vertex weight visualization is enabled on meshes that have no boneWeights defined.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.10p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown under very specific circumstances when pasting in the Clip Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a "ReflectionTypeLoadException" that is thrown under specific circumstances.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed compatibility with Unity Timeline in Unity 2018.2 (beta).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown under very specific circumstances when opening the Clip Editor for the first time.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a error message box instead of some undefined behaviour when assigning a child or a parent GameObject of the GameObject already locked by UMotion to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when assigning a GameObject with HideFlags.DontSave set.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when deleting the UMotion installation while a UMotion project (that is also deleted) is loaded in the Clip Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when vertex weight visualization is enabled on a GameObject that has a SkinnedMeshRenderer with no bones.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown by the IK Setup Wizard when a bone is selected as target that doesn't exist in the current animated GameObject.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.10p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the legacy GameObject "UMotion_EditorStatesSceneHelper" is only removed when UMotion is instantiated but not when a scene is opened.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.10</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a backup system that automatically creates backups of the opened UMotion project (enabled by default).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "Channels" section in the Pose Editor is now resizeable.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a search box to the "Channels" section of the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Implemented an update/general notification system.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added tooltips to settings shown in the preferences window.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed various GUI layout exceptions when running in the Linux editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception when clicking on "Focus Camera" when no SceneView window exists in the current editor layout.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that "Focus Camera" doesn't make the SceneView window visible when hidden by another window.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated "Clip Editor / Preferences" chapter based on latest implementation changes.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated "Pose Editor / Pose Mode / Channels" chapter based on latest implementation changes.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated "Clip Editor / Menu Bar / File" chapter based on latest implementation changes.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.09p05</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed some Unity GUI Layout exceptions randomly appearing on Mac OS.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.09p04</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed various exceptions that are thrown when modifying keys via shortcuts (e.g. delete, paste,...) while they are dragged in the Clip Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when pasting a key of a property that doesn't exist in the current project.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that dragging keys/events isn't stopped even though the window isn't focused anymore.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that auto key buttons aren't correctly placed in the UI layout.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.09p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that animations aren't imported completely "lossless" (even though the key frame reduction is set to "lossless") resulting in some noticeable jitter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when manipulating the transform hierarchy of a GameObject currently locked by UMotion.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "Reference Pose" text overflows the tab UI element (in the Config Mode panel).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "Properties" tab was slightly bigger than the other tabs (in the Config Mode panel).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when exporting humanoid animation clips (regression V1.09p02).</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.09p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when importing a generic animation in Unity 2017.1 or higher.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that exported euler rotations of generic animation clips differ from the euler curve created in UMotion.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.09p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when assigning a GameObject to the Pose Editor in play mode.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that broken tangents don't work in Unity 5.5 and 5.6.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.09</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added additional menu items to the "Window/UMotion Editor" menu: "Manual", "Video Tutorials" and "Contact Support".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Extending UMotion Pro's functionality is now possible via the <a href="Options.html#ExtendingUMotion" class="link">callback system</a>. This allows using e.g. FinalIK inside UMotion or writing new constraints (e.g. a "Look-At" constraint).</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Enabled the workaround for Known Issue 07 in Unity 2017.4.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that no error message is prompted when a name used for a custom IK target or custom IK pole target (in the IK Setup Wizard) is already taken by a humanoid bone.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the warning message "Tiled GPU perf. warning: RenderTexture color surface was not cleared/discarded" is shown when Graphics Emulation is set to "OpenGL ES 2.0" and a GameObject is applied to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the warning message "The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing" is shown everytime Play Mode is started after UMotion has been uninstalled.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "Reference Mode" popup button in the IK Setup Wizard was thicker than the "Target Rotation" popup button.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that starting Play Mode in Unity 2018.1 caused an exception when a UMotion window was opened.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added "Extending UMotion" to the "Options" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added an entry to the FAQ.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.08p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown in Unity 2018.1b12 when Unity Timeline is previewing an animation on the same GameObject as being used by UMotion.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.08p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Transforms added in Unity or custom joints/transforms added in UMotion that have the same name like a transform mapped as humanoid bone caused an unhandled exception when exporting an animation or applying the GameObject to the Pose Editor. Added additional error checks so that this situation doesn't occur anymore.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that bones are displayed with a wrong rotation if the animated GameObject has a rotated parent transform.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "Resources" folder was renamed to "InternalResource" to avoid that the assets inside this folder are added to the built game when UMotion isn't installed in the "Editor Default Resources" folder. A clean install is required for this change to take effect.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added an error message that is shown instead of an exception when UMotion script files are compiled into the wrong assembly. This happens for example when UMotion is placed inside a folder named "Plugins".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that in various situations a message box is displayed while importing a timeline animation clip indicating that the "Animation Preview" mode is going to be disabled.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that synchronization wasn't disabled when a new project created/loaded.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed several GUI performance shortcomings.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the shape of a transform isn't restored when it's deletion is undone.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that after undoing and redoing the IK creation (IK Setup Wizard) the pole targets aren't displayed in the IK color (blue by default).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when undoing the deletion of an object that was used as IK target.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when undoing the deletion of an object that was used as IK pole target when switching back to Pose Mode.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when the Clip Editor window is closed while the Pose Editor is in config mode.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when a GameObject is assigned to the Pose Editor where bones have been deleted.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Editor Default Resources" folder description in the "Getting Started" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.08</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The algorithm of the IK Constraint was improved. The new constraint produces more stable results (less jitter). The new algorithm is automatically used when a new IK constraint is created. For compatibility reasons, old projects keep using the old implementation.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">"Legacy Mode" property was added to the IK Constraint settings. Disable this property (in Config Mode --&gt Constraints tab) to use the new (more stable) IK algorithm.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The shape of transforms can now be changed in config mode. Available shapes: Solid, Wire Cube and Wire Sphere.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The IK Setup Wizard now automatically configures IK Handles to be displayed as "Wire Cubes" and IK Pole Targets as "Wire Spheres".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The IK Setup wizard now has "Create Pole Targets" enabled by default for human IK.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The IK Setup wizard now has "IK Handle" enabled by default for human IK "target rotation".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The rig rendering was reworked making UMotion compatible with Unity's new "Scriptable Render Pipeline" (introduced in Unity 2018.1).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "Stick Deselected" color's default value was changed to gray. Additionally the color is now also used for dashed lines and wires.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The max. limit of the Size parameter for bones/transforms has been increased (Config Mode --&gt Properties and IK Setup Wizard).</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception when assigning a humanoid GameObject to the Pose Editor that has multiple transforms named like the transforms that are used as bones.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that SkinnedMeshRenderers are always enabled when a GameObject is applied to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a compile error in Unity 2017.1.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception when clicking on the Sync button when a clip is selected in Unity Timeline in Unity 2017.1.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the rotation tool (and assistant) isn't working correctly when a parent is set via the Child-Of constraint (or IK Pinning enabled).</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated description of "Stick Deselected" color in the "Pose Editor / Options" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added description of the Legacy Mode to the "Pose Editor / Constraint System / Inverse Kinematics" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added description of the new Shape property to the "Pose Editor / Config Mode / Configuration" chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.07</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Support for Unity 5.3 is deprecated. Please use Unity 5.4 or higher or keep using UMotion V1.06p02.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">GameObjects with "Optimize GameObjects" enabled are now automatically deoptimized to allow animation editing when applied to the Pose Editor. The changes are reverted as soon as the GameObject is removed from the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Editing animation clips that are used in Unity Timeline (Sync --&gt Timeline Window --&gt Edit Selected Clip).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Selecting parent GameObjects of the current animated GameObject is now allowed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">It is now possible to play an animation on a parent object (e.g. a horse) using the Unity Timeline or Animation Window while the child object (e.g. a equestrian) is edited using UMotion.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Installed a general workaround for Unity's GUI Layout bugs on Mac OSX.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that "Morph3D's" scripts throw exceptions when "Morph3d" character's are assigned to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that "Ultimate Water" throws an exception when a GameObject is assigned to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a workaround for a Unity GUI bug that throws an exception on Mac OS when the "Welcome Dialog" is closed by pressing the "Continue to Clip Editor" button.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed compile errors when UMotion is included in a project that uses Beebyte's Obfuscator.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that occurs when a GameObject uses an Avatar of a model that has "Optimize Game Objects" set.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that occurs when deleting a UMotion project file while it's opened by UMotion.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a short description of the Sync button to the "Dopesheet / Curves View" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the "Unity Timeline Integration" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added Known Issue 10.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the description of Known Issue 09.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.06p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a null reference exception when applying a GameObject to the Pose Editor that has less hips parent transforms than the model the humnaoid avatar was originally created for.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that "Issue Bug Report" didn't work if the stack trace was very long.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.06p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a compiler error that occurs when building a Unity project that has UMotion included.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that if the current edited GameObject has Physics components (like RigidBody) attached, importing humanoid animation clips doesn't work correctly.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that editing a GameObject who's mesh is dynamically created doesn't work.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.06</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Supports Unity 2018.1.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added support for weighted tangents (requires Unity 2018.1 or higher).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "UMotion Editor" folder can now be placed anywhere in your project's folder hierarchy.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Reduced performance footprint of the Muscle Groups Assistant.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Functions for animation events are now also found if Unity 2017.3 Assembly Definition Files are used.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Pressing <span class="keyboardKey">SHIFT</span> or <span class="keyboardKey">ALT</span> while dragging a key in the Curves View now constraints the movement alongside the value or time axis.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText"><span class="keyboardKey">ALT</span> + <span class="keyboardKey">Left Mouse Button</span> can now also be used for panning in the Dopesheet and Curves View.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a welcome screen that is shown when UMotion is started for the first time.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The zoom of "Focus Camera" is now smarter.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that occurs when a key or event is already selected and is then clicked and dragged while <span class="keyboardKey">CTRL</span> is being pressed.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Dopesheet / Curves View" chapter based on the latest implementation changes.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Curves View" chapter based on the latest implementation changes.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.05p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that rotating the scene view using <span class="keyboardKey">ALT</span> + <span class="keyboardKey">Left Mouse Button</span> deselects previously selected bones.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the Muscle Groups Assistant is displayed even if the Tool Assistant visiblity is disabled in the Display section.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an invalid height of the animation layer name input field in Unity 2017.3 and higher.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that importing an animation clip that animates only one transform wasn't possible.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the context menu in the curves view sometimes displays the "Add Keys" item as disabled when it should be enabled.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.05</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "Muscle Groups Assistant" was added.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">It's now possible to synchronize the frame cursor with Unity's Animation Window or Timeline Window.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">A menu and a help button was added to all tool assistant windows.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Copy, Paste and Clear functionality was added to the Position, Rotation and Scale Tool Assistants.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "Apply Bind Pose" and "Apply Scene Pose" buttons (Config Mode) now show a context menu to select if All, Position, Rotation or Scale should be reset.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">"Select All" now selects also the hidden bones/transforms in Config Mode.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Improved error message that appears when the original imported model can not be found.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">"Apply Reference Pose" now resets the position/rotation/scale to 0 in additive layers.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added an error message when a humanoid bone is already defined in a humanoid UMotion project.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that quaternion continuity isn't esnured for the exported RootQ curves.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception by adding a warning message that appears when a humanoid avatar doesn't match the animated GameObject.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that canceling the "Add Animation Layer" and "Edit Animation Layer" dialog wasn't working.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that deleting an animation event doesn't work from within the context menu.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception when pressing the "Key Selected / All" shortcut when the Pose Editor was hidden while a new project was created.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the rotation tool assistent isn't working correctly if an object has an active Child-Of constraint.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that bones are displayed with an invalid length if they have a translation applied before they are assigned to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Implemented a work around for a Unity GUI bug that appears on Mac OS when a message box is displayed when the current opened clip is changed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that "Apply Reference Pose" doesn't work correctly when the bone/transform has an active Child-Of constraint.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Pose tools don't manipulate bones/transforms that are overridden by a higher layer anymore.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Pose tools don't manipulate bones/transforms when the selected layer is muted (or blend weight is zero).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that pose tools that affect the rotation don't work correctly when an additive layer was above the current layer.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Tool assistant chapter updated.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04p11</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when exporting a humanoid animation with animation layers and Auto Key is enabled, the first key of the animation is overwritten with the reference pose.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that occurs when adding an animation clip to the import window on Mac.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Known Issue 09 added.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04p10</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that transforms, joints and sticks are rendered with a wrong size if the root bone has a different scaling then in the original model.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that a wrong RootT curve is exported when a custom scaling is applied on a transform that is a parent of the hips but not the root transform.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the quaternion continuity wasn't esnured for the exported FootQ and HandQ curves.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the humanoid animation export isn't working correctly in some special cases when the animated GameObject is a child of some other transform.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that occures when applying a GameObject to the Pose Editor for the first time that has no SkinnedMeshRenderer and a file is selected in Unity's Project Window.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed some special cases in which the Pose Editor stays in Config Mode even though no GameObject to animate is assigned.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the warning dialog "Not all bones/transforms configured in this project are available in the selected GameObject" is shown everytime when switching between animation clips.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Known issue 08 added.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04p09</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that humanoid animations aren't exported correctly in various special cases.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Position and rotation of parent transforms of the hips are now reset to their bind-pose when applied to the Pose Editor (like the animator component when an animation is played).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed exceptions that occure when the animator component isn't initialized.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that an animated GameObject isn't rotated correctly when it's a child of a rotated transform.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that if a GameObject with a single transform is selected as animated GameObject UMotion displayed no transform handle.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when exporting a humanoid animation and Auto Key is enabled, the first key of the animation is overwritten with the reference pose.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04p08</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that occures when a transform is missing whoes component is animated by a Custom Property.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the preview of Custom Properties that animate "IsActive" doesn't work correctly if more than one "IsActive" property is animated.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "Issue Bug Report" button wasn't working on Mac OS.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04p07</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Assigning an inactive GameObject now shows an error dialog.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception when adding a bone as target bone in the IK Setup Wizard that has not enough parents for the defined chain length.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that occurs when pressing the "Play/Stop Playback" shortcut after switching the scene (and a project was opened in the previous scene).</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated formatting of some tables.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04p06</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a warning message that appeared in the console when a clip is imported with a '.' in the name.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that importing an animation clip from the same prefab as the one which is currently used as preview object doesn't work correctly when the animation compression needs to be disabled by UMotion.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04p05</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the root motion curves aren't imported correctly when the imported humanoid animation clip has the "Mirror" flag set.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04p04</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the root position isn't exported correctly when an animation clip is overwritten that has a "Root Transform Position (Y)" offset set.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "Select a GameObject to animate:" text is sometimes displayed with the wrong text color.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the project importer didn't import the correct (selected) clips.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a "Division By Zero" Exception when "Playback Looping" is enabled on an empty clip.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a "Null Reference Exception" when stopping Play Mode and their is a Clip Editor but no Pose Editor opened.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a "Null Reference Exception" that occures when clicking on Clear on a Legacy Project and an assembly reload happend before.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a "Null Reference Exception" when running the auto mirror mapping on a project with missing transforms.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a "Null Reference Exception" when clicking on "Edit Key" when a key is selected in Curves View and the context menu was opened by a context click on an animation event.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Implemented a workaround for Know Issue 06.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the description of Know Issue 06.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the "Upper Chest" bone is not detected as humanoid bone correctly.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that in some rare situations a humanoid bone is displayed as transform.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that occured when installing UMotion V1.04 over an existing UMotion installation.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the FAQ.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.04</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The Custom Property Constraint now supports animating properties of any Component/MonoBehaviour.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The Custom Property Constraint now supports animating custom Animator paraters. These are passed to the Animator controller (just as if a custom curve was added in Unity's Model Importer).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The Custom Property Constraint is now also available for UMotion Community users.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">A "Play From Beginning" toggle button was added to the Playback Navigation.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">A "Play Backwards" button was added to the Playback Navigation.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">UMotion now detects when it crashed and shows a message box in that case.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">A menu item was added to Unity's menu bar ("Window/UMotion Editor/Reset UMotion"). It can be used to force a reset of UMotion when it crashed.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that deleting a driven object from a Custom Property Constraint using the "-" button only removes the object from the list but is still driven.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that is thrown when selecting a joint/transform in the Rig Hierarchy that isn't available in the current selected animated GameObject.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that it was possible to drive progressive/quaternion channels with a Custom Property Constraint when switching clips. This caused unexpected behaviours.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that pasting keys of a Custom Property doesn't work if there are multiple Custom Porperties in the same bone and the property is on second or higher place.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the UMotion UI is displayed incorrectly (darker) when color space is set to linear.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the Custom Property Constraint Chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a new entry to the FAQ.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added Known Issue 07.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the Playback Navigation chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The Child-Of constraint now has an "IK Pinning Mode". This simplifies pinning of IK handles.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The Child-Of constraint automatically creates position and rotation keys when the parent property is keyed. One position/rotation key is created at the same frame as the parent key and an additional position/rotation key is created one frame before.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The IK Setup Wizard can now create IK chains with IK Pinning functionality. The Human IK chains are always created with IK pinning.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">A new menu entry was added to the Clip Editor: "Edit / FK to IK Conversion". It allows converting the current clip from FK to IK.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">"FK to IK Conversion" was added to the animation Importer making it possible to automatically convert imported animations to IK.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "Set IK to FK" button was improved. It now also calculates the correct pole rotation / pole target position to better match the current FK pose.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">A progress bar is now displayed when importing animation clips.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Implemented animation layers.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Clicking the Unity Editor's Move, Rotate or Scale tool buttons now also changes the current tool within UMotion.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The root motion bone in humanoid projects now supports the "Euler Rotation Mode".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">When the "Loop" toggle in the Playback Navigation of the Clip Editor is enabled, the animation will loop when the frame cursor is dragged past the last key frame.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">A "RM" toggle was added to the Playback Navigation of the Clip Editor. It allows previewing root motion animations inside UMotion.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added an error dialog that appears when an animation is imported that has euler rotations with an incompatible rotation order.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Improved IK solver accuracy to generate less jitter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the IK solver isn't behaving correctly in some situtations for IK chains that are a child of another IK chain.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that if all keys of a property have been selected because the property was selected in the "Animated Properties List", clicking on a key while holding <span class="keyboardKey">CTRL</span> deselected all keys even though it should deselect only the clicked key.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that occured when creating a new UMotion poject during play mode when the scene was changed at least once.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the move tool wasn't working correctly when a pinned IK handle was moved while an additive layer was selected.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when a text is pasted that is longer then the text fields width, the text field is scrolled in such a way that the text is completely hidden.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the carret is sometimes dissapearing in text fields.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the multi-selection of Inverse Kinematics constraints with different chain lengths set all chain lengths to 1.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the description of the "IK Pinning Mode" to the "Child-Of Constraint" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the description of the "IK Setup Wizard" chapter based on the latest implementation changes (IK Pinning).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a hint regarding IK Pinning to the "IK Constraint" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the "FK to IK Conversion" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Import / Export" and "Menu Bar / Edit" chapters due to the added "FK to IK Conversion" functionality.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the "Clip Editor / Layers" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Clip Editor / Playback Navigation" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Child-Of" chapter based on the latest implementation changes.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Child-Of" video tutorial.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the "IK Pinning" video tutorial.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the second "UMotion In Practice" episode to the video tutorials chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.02p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that "Copy to Other Side" didn't mirror bones/transforms correctly when they are selected on both sides.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the description of the "Copy to Other Side" button in the "Pose Mode / Tools" chapter and the "Pose Mirroring" video tutorial.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Implemented Pose Mirroring features that allow to easily copy poses from one side to the other (e.g. left hand to right hand). Please read the <a href="Tools.html" class="link">Tools - Chapter</a> before using.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added an IK Setup Wizard to the Config Mode. It greatly simplifies creating complete IK rigs.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Bones in an IK chain with visibility set to "Locked" are now not affected by the IK solver anymore.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The "Chain Mask" property was added to the IK solver setup and the IK Setup Wizard (Custom Ik). It makes it possible to define which bones in an IK chain should be affected by the IK solver. This is especially useful for excluding "Twist" bones from the IK chain.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a warning message to the Config Mode - Properties tab that informs the user why the visibility of generic bones that are inside the humanoid skeleton can't be changed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Holding <span class="keyboardKey">Alt</span> while clicking on a property in the "Animated Properties List" now selects that property in the Scene View.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The import clips file browser dialog opens the folder of the last imported animation by default now. Thus making it faster to import multiple clips from the same folder.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">It is now possible to drag & drop files from Unity's Project window to the UMotion Import window. This makes it possible to add multiple files with only one action.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the "Export Current Clip" menu entry to the Clip Editor's menu bar.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that humanoid hand/foot IK curves are not exported (former known issue 05).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed culling errors that sometimes occured in the list views. These errors caused listed items to be partially invisible.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed usage of obsolete API event "playModeStateChange".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that an invalid parent/child hierarchy is calculated when joints/transforms had nearly equal names.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that an exception is thrown when undoing applying a GameObject to the Pose Editor for the first time.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the IK constraint doesn't solve correctly when the target bone chain is arranged in a perfect straight line in the reference pose.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that parent link "Dashed" is not displayed when only the IK rig layer is visible.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Animated Properties List" chapter based on the added feature.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Pose Mode / Tools" and the "Config Mode / Rig Hierarchy" chapters based on the added pose mirroring feature.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Import / Export" chapter based on the latest implementation changes.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Clip Editor / Menu Bar / File" chapter based on the latest implementation changes.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the "IK Setup Wizard" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added "Lesson 9 - Pose Mirroring" to the general video tutorials.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "(Pro) Lesson 2 - Inverse Kinematics" video tutorial.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.01p05</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that in Unity 2017.2 and higher an exception is thrown as soon as a GameObject is assigned to the Pose Editor.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.01p04</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that setting the scale via "Apply Reference Pose" doesn't work.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the IK chain randomly changes the orientation within an animation clip. This is caused by a floating point rounding error and happened only when using one specific model.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.01p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when typing into a UMotion input field in Unity 5.6 only one character is accepted and then the field immediately looses its input focus.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when "Auto Key" is set to "Update" while a rotation property's rotation mode is changed to euler, an incorrect value is keyed at the current frame cursors position.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the keys of every channel of a property is overwritten when pasting, even if only one key was copied. This has been due to the "chain neighbour keys" setting.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.01p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that copy/cut/paste doesn't work correctly for GUI input fields in the Clip Editor.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that when UMotion is opened in Unity 2017.3.0 (beta) no GUI input fields are working anymore.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.01p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that renaming a custom joint/transform that is a direct child of the root GameObject corrupted the UMotion project file. This caused an exception when an animated GameObject was assigned to the Pose Editor the next time. If this bug corrupted one of your project files, you can send it to the UMotion support as it is possible to repair the file: <a href="" class="link">Email Support</a></span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that even if the custom joint/transform with an IK Constraint attached is deleted, the bones of the IK chain are still visualized in dark blue (= IK chain members).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the IK plane isn't shown anymore after the deletion of a custom joint/transform with an IK constraint attached is undone.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that occurred when deleting a custom joint/transform that is referenced by a Custom Property Constraint is undone and then redone again.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a setting to the preferences window to display key strokes. This is useful when recording video tutorials.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a recently opened projects menu entry into the Clip Editor's file menu.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The rotation tool now also rotates all selected child bones. This is very useful for animating a tail (e.g. of a dragon).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a button to delete all animation clips to the Clip Editor's main navigation.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">The context menu entry "Select In Clip Editor" of the Channels section can now be accessed via the shortcut system. The default shortcut is <span class="keyboardKey">SHIFT</span> + <span class="keyboardKey">C</span>.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Removed the error dialog that was shown when importing an animation clip that has curves for bones/transforms that don't exist in the opened UMotion Project. Instead, a warning icon is now displayed next to the clip in the import clip list. When the mouse hovers the list entry, a tooltip displays the warning message. This was changed because it was annyoing to get an error dialog for every animation clip in an *.fbx file (there can be quite a lot of clips in a single file).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Improved the text of the error dialog that is shown when a clip was automatically renamed when beeing added to the importer.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a quality setting for the keyframe reducer to the import settings. The default quality setting is now "Lossless" (in previous versions it was "Lossy"). This reduces jitter of feet and hand of imported animations.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Reworked the import settings UI.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added "Disable Animation Compression" to the import settings.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">When a new key is created (via Key Selected, Key Dialog or Auto Key) the key's tangent mode is now set in respect to the previous and/or following keys. That means that if the existing keys are for example set to tangent mode "linear", the new created key's tangent mode will also be "linear". Previously the key tangent mode for a new created key was always set to "Clamped Auto".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">When the mouse hovers the time ruler in Curves View, only the time axis is zoomed. This is the counterpart to zooming only the y-axis when the mouse hovers the y ruler.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">If an animation event has an active warning message, this warning message is now also shown in the export log window when the clip is exported.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that opening the manual via "Help / Open UMotion Manual" or via the help buttons isn't working on Mac.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the character is rotated incorrectly after importing a humanoid animation. Occured for characters that had a rotation applied to any parent transform of the humanoid hips.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that if a GameObject with a large name is assigned to the Pose Editor, the clear button is not clickable anymore because it is shifted outside the window.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the time ruler labels are interstecting with the lines of the ruler at a certain zoom level.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a description of the new "Display Key Strokes" setting to the "Preferences" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a description of the "Recently Opened Projects" menu entry to the "Menu Bar/File" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a tip to the rotation tool description ("Tools" chapter) regarding animating tails.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Main Navigation" chapter with a description of the "Delete All Clips" button.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Updated the "Import / Export" chapter based on the latest changes related to the import window.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added more information into the "Import / Export" chapter especially regarding the conversion between humanoid and generic.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a FAQ entry regarding conversion between humanoid and generic.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.00p03</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed a bug in the IK plane math that caused the reference vector (i.e. the vector that defines the orientation of the plane when the angle is 0) to have a magnitude of zero. If your IK chain is bending into the wrong direction after you've updated to V1.00p03, switch to config mode and correct the IK plane orientation as it might have changed.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added the first episode of the new tutorial series UMotion "In Practice" to the video tutorials chapter.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.00p02</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that appeared when editing the frame of a key in the "edit key window" that can be opened in the curves view when right click --&gt edit key.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that appeared when models with no bones or "Optimize GameObjects" enabled in the model import settings have been applied to the Pose Editor for the first time. Added a warning dialog that is shown when a model with "Optimize GameObjects" enabled is applied to the Pose Editor for the first time.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed inconsistent naming of the "Ik Fk Blend" channel in the custom property constraint by renaming it to "Fk Ik Blend".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that the Pose Editor wasn't repainted immediately after the tool mode was changed from/to the scale tool.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that deselecting a selected bone via CTRL + left mouse click doesn't work.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an error log message when a humanoid animation was imported with animation events not found at the current animated GameObject.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed current values of a modified rotation property not being converted to the new rotation mode when the rotation mode is changed.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that appeared when importing an animation clip with an animated rotation property configured as "quaternion" but in the clip already existing in the project the same property is configured as "euler".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that appeared when importing an animation clip of an UMotion project that wasn't selected in the imported UMotion project when it was last opened.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed an exception that appeared when importing more than one animation clip of a UMotion project.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that an imported project was not garbage collected.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that GUI input fields suddenly don't accept input anymore (seen mostly in 2017.1).</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed the instruction text in the example scene to make the first steps easier to understand.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Fixed that an error dialog was shown in an endless loop when the animation preview mode of the Unity Timeline window was enabled while an animated GameObject was applied to the UMotion Pose Editor.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added work around suggestion to Known Issue 06.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added sentence to Child-Of constraint that hints that scaling is not supported.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Mentioned that the video tutorials have subtitles in the "Video Tutorials" chapter.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Split the "Video Tutorials" chapter into one sub chapter per video. Moved "Video Tutorials" to a higher position in the table of content.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added chapter "How to create better animations".</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added a question to the FAQ.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.00p01</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">None</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">If an existing *.anim clip with animation events is overwritten by exporting a clip with 0 animation events from UMotion, the existing animation events are not removed from the *.anim clip.</span></li>
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">When exporting a clip and Known Issue 06 occurs, a warning message is displayed in the export log window.</span></li>
</ul><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><ul class="listMain">
<li class="listItem"><span class="listText">Added Issue 06 to the Known Issues list.</span></li>
</ul></br></br><h2 class="headline2" id="">UMotion V1.00</h2><h3 class="headline3" id="">New or Changed Features</h3><p class="textBlock">Initial version</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Bug Fixes</h3><p class="textBlock">Initial version</p><h3 class="headline3" id="">Manual Changes</h3><p class="textBlock">Initial version</p>
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